I don’t know how many times i tried to understand the off. Modbus binding page.
i don’t get that at all. as i previously mentioned Modbus is completely new.
Reading the Modbus binding page confuses me more and more.
[quote]type=coil uses function 1 “Read Coil Status”
type=discrete uses function 2 “Read Input Status” (readonly inputs)
type=holding uses function 3, “Read Holding Registers”
type=input uses function 4 “Read Input Register” (readonly-registers eG analogue inputs)[/quote]
[quote]In the traditional standard, [entity] numbers for those entities start with a digit, followed by a number of four digits in range 1–9,999:
coils numbers start with a zero and then span from 00001 to 09999
discrete input numbers start with a one and then span from 10001 to 19999
input register numbers start with a three and then span from 30001 to 39999
holding register numbers start with a four and then span from 40001 to 49999
This translates into entity addresses between 0 and 9,998 in data frames.
The openhab modbus binding uses data frame entity addresses when referring to modbus entities. That is, the entity address configured in modbus binding is passed to modbus protocol frame as-is. For example, modbus slave definition with start=3, length=2 and type=holding will read modbus entities with the following numbers 40004 and 40005.[/quote]
i (think…) i understand why the modbus slave definition reads modbus entities 40004 and 40005, but i absolutely don’t geht where these numbers point to?
Let’s stay with the example on page 10 of my first pdf…
Anfrage = request / Anwort = response / last row: it’s possible / mandatory to read 2 registers (?!)
should i be able to geht all the informations needed from this? should i look at the request or response seciton? HEX/DEC row?
with all that new knowledge (with extends to… not a lot) my modbus.cfg. extends to this:
i’m really not looking for anyone to set up my heating device, but as you can see i’m struggling pretty bad…
so i’d be really thankful if you had the patience to push me in the right direction…
am i even looking in the right direction (modbus entities) oder is that the wrong approach?
Greetings, very confused greetings.