Yes, I see them in the disscetion, but I guess if one would want to create WS rules/filters, they need to be in the source/destination columns as well(?).
Also this sounds very interesting! Is there a special software for this, that you have found?
Yes, I see them in the disscetion, but I guess if one would want to create WS rules/filters, they need to be in the source/destination columns as well(?).
Also this sounds very interesting! Is there a special software for this, that you have found?
Hi, I followed the “from capturing to analyzing the wave” tutorial with an HackRF One, so I have to use rx_sdr from rx_tools insted of rtl_sdr.
Everything seems to work except for Wireshark. The dissector is active but it says “User encapsulation not handled”. What do I have to put into the DLT table (e.g. for payload protocol, header protocol, header size, etc.)?
The dissectors are called zwave_app, zwave_mac and zwave_net.
I tried randomly until it looked okay:
payload protocol: zwave_mac
header size: 3
header protocol: zwave_app
trailer size: 0
trailer protocol: -
But this way, zwave_net is never used and somehow most of the payload is never interpreted (like the security class packages)
How did you do that?
Hi. Can you please indicate what did you do to capture this data? Thank you.