Mosquitto receives but wont send: It's Killing me

these are the default wiki instructions. Maybe you have customized your Sonoff and you are using different topics? (I am not sure)

From your logs, I haven’t seen your Sonoff using the defaults.

thanks Dim. time to call it a night.

tail -f /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log -f /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2017-08-20 03:02:28.962 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.mqtt            ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler,}={event.topics=openhab/*,,,,, service.bundleid=237, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.binding.mqtt
2017-08-20 03:02:29.013 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.mqtt            ] - ServiceEvent REGISTERED - {org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler}={event.topics=openhab/*,,,, service.bundleid=237, service.scope=bundle} - org.openhab.binding.mqtt
2017-08-20 03:02:29.017 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.mqtt            ] - BundleEvent STARTED - org.openhab.binding.mqtt
2017-08-20 03:02:44.858 [INFO ] [ui.habmin.internal.servlet.HABminApp] - Stopped HABmin servlet
2017-08-20 03:02:45.004 [INFO ] [basic.internal.servlet.WebAppServlet] - Stopped Basic UI
2017-08-20 03:02:51.645 [INFO ] [basic.internal.servlet.WebAppServlet] - Started Basic UI at /basicui/app
2017-08-20 03:02:51.934 [INFO ] [ui.habmin.internal.servlet.HABminApp] - Started HABmin servlet at /habmin
2017-08-20 03:08:39.065 [INFO ] [] - MQTT Service initialization completed.
2017-08-20 03:08:39.078 [INFO ] [t.mqtt.internal.MqttBrokerConnection] - Starting MQTT broker connection 'mosquitto'
2017-08-20 03:08:39.086 [ERROR] [org.apache.felix.configadmin        ] - Cannot use configuration org.openhab.mqtt for [org.openhab.core.scriptengine.action.ActionService,, id=272, bundle=239/mvn:org.openhab.action/org.openhab.action.mqtt/1.10.0]: No visibility to configuration bound to

==> /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log <==
1503214395: New client connected from ::1 as mosqsub|5544-openHABian (c1, k60, u'openhab').
1503214398: New connection from ::1 on port 1883.
1503214398: New client connected from ::1 as mosqpub|5545-openHABian (c1, k60, u'openhab').
1503214398: Client mosqpub|5545-openHABian disconnected.
1503214459: Saving in-memory database to /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.db.
1503214850: Socket error on client mosqsub|5544-openHABian, disconnecting.
1503215766: Client openhabian disconnected.
1503216145: New connection from on port 1883.
1503216145: New client connected from as openhabian (c1, k60).
1503216260: Saving in-memory database to /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.db.

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2017-08-20 03:18:47.043 [DEBUG] [inding.mqtt.internal.MqttItemBinding] - Publishing command ON to cmnd/diana/cord1/POWER
2017-08-20 03:18:47.042 [DEBUG] [inding.mqtt.internal.MqttItemBinding] - Publishing command ON to cmnd/diana/cord1/POWER
2017-08-20 03:18:47.350 [DEBUG] [inding.mqtt.internal.MqttItemBinding] - Publishing command ON to cmnd/diana/cord1/POWER
2017-08-20 03:18:49.387 [DEBUG] [inding.mqtt.internal.MqttItemBinding] - Publishing command OFF to cmnd/diana/cord1/POWER
2017-08-20 03:18:50.604 [DEBUG] [inding.mqtt.internal.MqttItemBinding] - Publishing command OFF to cmnd/diana/cord1/POWER

==> /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log <==
1503218061: Saving in-memory database to /var/lib/mosquitto/mosquitto.db.

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2017-08-20 03:39:54.410 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model 'lights.items'
2017-08-20 03:39:54.487 [DEBUG] [.internal.MqttGenericBindingProvider] - Removing message consumers for item Cord1
2017-08-20 03:39:54.498 [DEBUG] [.internal.MqttGenericBindingProvider] - Removing message publishers for item Cord1
2017-08-20 03:39:54.512 [DEBUG] [binding.mqtt.internal.MqttItemConfig] - Loaded MQTT config for item 'Cord1' : 1 subscribers, 1 publishers

and you are subscribing to what seems to be the correct topics (diana/cord1/#):

/etc/mosquitto$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t 'diana/cord1/#' -v

something is (still) wrong with the OH2->MQTT Broker connection…

your mqtt.cfg is not being loaded (maybe?).

Try again (tomorrow :slight_smile:) the:

Also, uninstall the org.openhab.action.mqtt
I have seen that in some cases, it creates a conflict with the MQTT Binding…

Openhab integration excerpt:

If not done yet, you first need to install and activate the MQTT binding, the MQTT action and the JsonPath transformation, e.g. via the openHAB Paper UI Add-ons section.

yeah… the MQTT Action is used by the rules (e.g. this part)

you can try to re-install it to see if this will help the situation.

OK… Catastrophic failure… Hurricane and all. Had to start from scratch. But it was worth it. I can now toggle my light from ssh:
What I can’t do is toggle it from Habpanel or classic UI
what next? Thanks for all your help before @Dim

mosquitto_pub -u openhabian -P Dxxxxxxx -d -t diana/cord1/cmnd/POWER -m on
Client mosqpub|1818-DianaHAB sending CONNECT
Client mosqpub|1818-DianaHAB received CONNACK
Client mosqpub|1818-DianaHAB sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'diana/cord1/cmnd/POWER', ... (2 bytes))
Client mosqpub|1818-DianaHAB sending DISCONNECT

and the same for off.

and when I do toggle it through sub pub i get

mosquitto_sub -u openhabian -P Dxxxxxxx -d -t '$SYS/broker/clients/active'
Client mosqsub|1608-DianaHAB sending CONNECT
Client mosqsub|1608-DianaHAB received CONNACK
Client mosqsub|1608-DianaHAB sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: $SYS/broker/clients/active, QoS: 0)
Client mosqsub|1608-DianaHAB received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client mosqsub|1608-DianaHAB received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, '$SYS/broker/clients/active', ... (1 bytes))
Client mosqsub|1608-DianaHAB received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, '$SYS/broker/clients/active', ... (1 bytes))


pid_file /var/run/lib/

persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/

log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log

include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d

connection_messages true

allow_anonymous false
password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd

items -(openhab Generator is the bomb)- don’t bother scrolling

Group Home "Diana"   <house>

Group Cords "Cords" <poweroutlet> (Lights, Home)
    Switch cord1 "Cord-1" <poweroutlet> (Cords, Lights, Power)
     { mqtt=">[mosquitto:diana/cord1/POWER:on], >[mosquitto:diana/cord1/POWER:off]
             <[mosquitto:stat/Cord1_Light/POWER:state:default]" }
    Switch Cord2_Light "Cord-2" <poweroutlet> (Cords, Lights, Power)
     { mqtt=">[mosquitto:cmd/Cord2_Light/POWER:command:*:default],
             <[mosquitto:stat/Cord2_Light/POWER:state:default]" }

Group Attic "Attic" <attic> (Home)
    Number Attic_Temperature "Attic Temp" <temperature> (Attic, Temperature)
    Number Attic_Humidity "Attic Humidity" <humidity> (Attic, Humidity)

Group LaundryRoom "Laundry Room" <washingmachine> (Home)
    Switch LaundryRoom_Light "Laundry Room" <light> (LaundryRoom, Lights)
    Contact LaundryRoom_Door "Laundry Room Door" <door> (LaundryRoom, Doors)

Group Kitchen "Kitchen" <kitchen> (Home)
    Switch Kitchen_Light "Kitchen" <light> (Kitchen, Lights)
    Switch Island_Light "Kitchen Island" <light> (Kitchen, Lights)
    Switch Dinette_Light "Dinette" <light> (Kitchen, Lights)
    Contact Kitchen_Window "Kitchen Window" <window> (Kitchen, Windows)
    Contact Kitchen_Door "Kitchen Door" <door> (Kitchen, Doors)
    Number Kitchen_Temperature "Kitchen Temp" <temperature> (Kitchen, Temperature)

Group Dining "Dining"  (Home)
    Switch Dining_Light "Diningroom" <light> (Dining, Lights)
    Number Dining_Temperature "Diningroom Temp" <temperature> (Dining, Temperature)

Group Living "Livingroom" <sofa> (Home)
    Switch Living_Light "Livingroom" <light> (Living, Lights)
    Switch Living_Fan "Livingroom Fan" <fan_ceiling> (Living, Fans)
    Switch Livingroom_Power "Power outlets" <poweroutlet> (Living, Power)
    Number Living_Temperature "Temperature" <temperature> (Living, Temperature)

Group Entrance "Entrance" <frontdoor> (Home)
    Switch Entrance_Light "Entrance" <light> (Entrance, Lights)
    Contact Entrance_Door "Front Door" <door> (Entrance, Doors)
    Switch Entrance_Power "Power outlets" <poweroutlet> (Entrance, Power)
    Number Entrance_Temperature "Entrance Temp" <temperature> (Entrance, Temperature)

Group Hallway "Hallway" <corridor> (Home)
    Switch Hallway_Light "Hallway" <light> (Hallway, Lights)

Group MasterBedroom "Master Bedroom" <bedroom_red> (Home)
    Switch MasterBedroom_Light "Master Bedroom" <light> (MasterBedroom, Lights)
    Contact MasterBedroom_Door "Master Bedroom Door" <door> (MasterBedroom, Doors)
    Switch MasterBedroom_Fan "Master Bedroom Fan" <fan_ceiling> (MasterBedroom, Fans)
    Number MasterBedroom_Temperature "Master Bedroom Temp" <temperature> (MasterBedroom, Temperature)

Group Bedroom "Bedroom" <bedroom> (Home)
    Switch Bedroom_Light "Front Bedroom" <light> (Bedroom, Lights)
    Contact Bedroom_Window "Bedroom 1 Window" <window> (Bedroom, Windows)
    Switch Bedroom_Fan "Bedroom 1 Fan" <fan_ceiling> (Bedroom, Fans)
    Number Bedroom_Temperature "Bedroom 1 Temp" <temperature> (Bedroom, Temperature)

Group Bedroom2 "Bedroom 2"  (Home)
    Switch Bedroom2_Light "Bedroom 2" <light> (KidRoom1, Lights)
    Contact Bedroom2_Window "Bedroom 2 Window" <window> (KidRoom1, Windows)
    Switch Bedroom2_Fan "Bedroom 2 Fan" <fan_ceiling> (KidRoom1, Fans)
    Number Bedroom2_Temperature "Bedroom 2 Temp" <temperature> (KidRoom1, Temperature)

Group Bedroom3 "Bedroom 3"  (Home)
    Switch Bedroom3_Light "Bedroom 3" <light> (KidRoom2, Lights)
    Contact Bedroom3_Window "Bedroom 3 Window" <window> (KidRoom2, Windows)
    Switch Bedroom3_Fan "Bedroom 3 Fan" <fan_ceiling> (KidRoom2, Fans)
    Number Bedroom3_Temperature "Bedroom 3 Temp" <temperature> (KidRoom2, Temperature)

Group Bathroom "Bathroom" <bath> (Home)
    Switch Bathroom_Light "Bathroom" <light> (Bathroom, Lights)
    Contact Bathroom_Window "Bathroom Window" <window> (Bathroom, Windows)
    Number Bathroom_Humidity "Bathroom Humidity" <humidity> (Bathroom, Humidity)

Group MasterBathroom "Master Bathroom"  (Home)
    Switch MasterBathroom_Light "Master Bathroom" <light> (MasterBathroom, Lights)
    Contact MasterBathroom_Window "Master Bathroom Window" <window> (MasterBathroom, Windows)
    Number MasterBathroom_Temperature "Master Bathroom Temp" <temperature> (MasterBathroom, Temperature)
    Number MasterBathroom_Humidity "Master Bathroom Humidity" <humidity> (MasterBathroom, Humidity)

Group Porch "Porch" <group> (Home)
    Switch Porch_Light "Porch" <light> (Porch, Lights)

Group Garage "Garage" <garage> (Home)
    Switch Garage_Light "Garage" <light> (Garage, Lights)
    Contact Garage_Door "Garage Door" <Garage> (Garage, Doors)
    Number Garage_Temperature "Garage Temp" <temperature> (Garage, Temperature)

Group Outdoor_Floods "Outdoor" <garden> (Home)
    Switch GarageFront_Light "Garage Front" <light> (Outdoor, Lights)
    Switch YardFL_Light "Yard" <light> (Outdoor, Lights)
    Switch PatioFL1_Light "Light" <light> (Outdoor, Lights)
    Switch PatioFL2_Light "Light" <light> (Outdoor, Lights)

Group:Number:AVG Temperature "Temperature" <temperature> (Home)
Group:Number:AVG Humidity "Humidity" <humidity> (Home)
//Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Lights "Lights" <light> (Home)
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED) Windows "Windows" <window> (Home)
//Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Fans "Fans" <fan_ceiling> (Home)
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN, CLOSED) Doors "Doors" <door> (Home)
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Power "Power outlets" <poweroutlet> (Home)

//Group HomeCinema "Home Cinema" <television> (Home)
//    Switch HomeCinema_Light "Light" <light> (HomeCinema, Lights)

//Group KidsRoom "Kids Room"  (Home)
  //  Switch KidsRoom_Light "Light" <light> (KidsRoom, Lights)
  //  Contact KidsRoom_Window "Window" <window> (KidsRoom, Windows)
  //  Switch KidsRoom_Fan "Fan" <fan_ceiling> (KidsRoom, Fans)
  //  Number KidsRoom_Temperature "Temperature" <temperature> (KidsRoom, Temperature)

//Group Lounge "Lounge" <sofa> (Home)
//    Switch Lounge_Light "Light" <light> (Lounge, Lights)
//    Switch Lounge_Fan "Fan" <fan_ceiling> (Lounge, Fans)
//    Number Lounge_Temperature "Temperature" <temperature> (Lounge, Temperature)

//Group Office "Office" <office> (Home)
//    Switch Office_Light "Light" <light> (Office, Lights)
//    Contact Office_Window "Window" <window> (Office, Windows)
//    Switch Office_Fan "Fan" <fan_ceiling> (Office, Fans)
//    Number Office_Temperature "Temperature" <temperature> (Office, Temperature)

//Group SecondBedroom "Second Bedroom" <bedroom_orange> (Home)
//    Switch SecondBedroom_Light "Light" <light> (SecondBedroom, Lights)
//    Contact SecondBedroom_Window "Window" <window> (SecondBedroom, Windows)
//    Switch SecondBedroom_Fan "Fan" <fan_ceiling> (SecondBedroom, Fans)




sitemap diana label="Diana" {
    Frame {
        Group item=Attic
        Group item=LaundryRoom
        Group item=Kitchen
        Group item=Dining
        Group item=Living
        Group item=Entrance
        Group item=Hallway
        Group item=Bedroom
        Group item=Bedroom2
        Group item=Bedroom3
        Group item=MasterBedroom
        Group item=Bathroom
        Group item=MasterBathroom
        Group item=Garage
        Group item=Cords
        Group item=Porch
        Group item=Outdoor
        //Group item=HomeCinema
        //Group item=KidRoom1
        //Group item=KidRoom2
        //Group item=Lounge
        //Group item=Office
        //Group item=SecondBathroom

    Frame {
        Group item=Temperature
        Group item=Humidity
        //Group item=Lights
        Group item=Windows
        //Group item=Fans
        Group item=Doors
        //Group item=Power

On reboot this is the only warning from the Openhab.log

2017-08-28 20:29:43.123 [ERROR] [el.item.internal.GenericItemProvider] - Binding configuration of type 'mqtt' of item 'cord1' could not be parsed correctly.
org.eclipse.smarthome.model.item.BindingConfigParseException: Configuration 'mosquitto:diana/cord1/POWER:on' is not a valid outbound configuration: Configuration requires 5 parameters separated by ':'