Motion sensor items

I have actually found (for my use) timers on lights only work in a few situations.
Typical situation where it works good:
in a closet or other room where you don’t actually spend time. Example, I go in my closet, motion sensor triggers light, I’m in there for a minute or two and a minute or two later, timer shuts it off. This is especially cool because the closet light is always a prime example of a light that often gets left on mistakenly (wasting electricity) or left on for longer then needed. Bathroom lights sort of fit this description as well but with a twist. If I get up in the middle of the night and go in there, and the light comes on automatically (very dim so it doesn’t blind me) it is nice to be able to see without having to grope for the switch in the dark. It stays on long enough to help me find my way back to bed. But when I go in to take a shower, I turn on a light manually so it doesn’t go out while I’m showering. Laundry room, pretty good but I found a door switch better, open door, light goes on, close door, light goes off. This works because for me the only time I need a light on in there, the door is open. When I walk out, I close the door unlike the closet and bathroom door which often are left open
What I have found in main rooms where I spend time, timers are less useful. If you set the timer to a long enough time where you aren’t going to have it shut off on you because you are sitting still, reading, watching the tube, whatever, the timer is so long it takes way to long to go off after you have actually left the area (went to bed)

That is actually good advise and I do the same, in larger areas, more sensors help.
What works for me is good presence detection. I use the wasp in box method If I am home and it is dark (night) leave the lights on and if the system detects I have left or go to bed (motion sensor in bedroom picks me up) shut off the lights.