Motion sensor items

Fully agree with all of it.

I have timers on two lights. The one in my garage, and then in a small hall-way. These are areas where people mostly just travelling through. At night/when it´s dark, the light goes on by motion, and turns off by timer (2 minutes). In the hall-way and in the garage, I have a manual swich as well, to turn on the light without timer. In the garage I use it when I doing some work in there, (or fiddling around with wires and stuff). In the hall-way I use manually switch, because my exercise machines are place there, (which remind me, it has been a while since I used those :laughing:)

Right now I have 2 motion light situations. One is the light at the bottom of the basement stairs that lights the stairwell. I have a sensor at the top one at the bottom with a 5 minute timer.
The other light is an outdoor light used mainly by my son’s dogs. The motion on only works between sunset and sunrise. I use the timer for 5 minutes of no motion to turn off the light.

EDIT. Right now they share a Timer Item. I will need to change that. Oops!