MQTT Binding wo

Trying to setup an MQTT binding, and having some issues…


Bridge mqtt:broker:broker [ host=“”, secure=false, username=“username”, password=“password” ]


Thing mqtt:topic:mything (mqtt:broker:broker) {
Type switch : lamp “Kitchen Lamp” [ stateTopic=“lamp/enabled”, commandTopic=“lamp/enabled/set2” ]


Switch Kitchen_Light “Kitchen Light” {channel=“mqtt:topic:broker:mything:lamp” }

I can’t get it to publish or receive from the broker on the indicated topics :confused:
The broker seems to connect just fine though, and I can use the broker from other clients as well.

I pulled the configuration from the binding example, and have tried it in many different configurations. I have the switch bound to a sitemap so I can toggle it on basic UI, but to no avail… nothing happens on MQTT even though it shows as toggling and linking in the logs.

I’ve also tried

Bridge mqtt:broker:broker [ host=“”, secure=false, username=“username”, password=“password” ]
Thing topic mything {
Type switch : lamp “Kitchen Lamp” [ stateTopic=“lamp/enabled”, commandTopic=“lamp/enabled/set2” ]

But having it in one file didn’t seem to help either

Switch Kitchen_Light “Kitchen Light” { channel=“mqtt:topic:mything:lamp” }

fixed it up… for anyone needing it… broker doesn’t need to be in the channel definition. yay…