Mqtt Broker is not connecting with router wifi

Case 1-- I tried to connect my mqtt client(node mcu) to the broker which is running in my tablet with a router Wifi . The problem is client is not connecting to the broker ,but wifi is connecting successfully

Case 2-- I tried to connect my mqtt client(node mcu) to the broker which is running in my tablet with a Mobile WiFI (Oneplus). but this time client is connecting to the broker successfully

I really cant figured it out What happening here
please help me to achieve my goal
Thank you

Does case 1 problem exist only for your MQTT client / node mcu or also in case you would run e.g. your PC as MQTT client ?

Thank you for your time
Yes, Same thing happening with PC client .

Case 1-- I tried to connect my mqtt client(PC/Node Mcu) to the broker which is running in my tablet with a router Wifi . The problem is client is not connecting to the broker ,but wifi is connecting successfully

Case 2-- I tried to connect my mqtt client(PC/node mcu) to the broker which is running in my tablet with a Mobile WiFI (Oneplus). but this time client is connecting to the broker successfully

Please guide me

Are you telling us that your router is not set up to route between wired and wifi?

I could not understand your question , sorry for that .
can u please come again.

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