Indeed, I haven’t. Would you really care about my opinion though?
I actually would like to give it a try, but not only:
( - I don’t care because I don’t like PaperUI ) but it seems to be only available in dev branch (if I’m not mis-interpreting your words). Unfortunately for me changing branches represents a lot of work and a lot of risk of things not working. I understand the need of updating and following the development (that’s why I upgraded and faced broken backward compatibility of mqtt), but having one broken connection is more than I need and I am willing to accept.
I’m glad we agree on that one and I hope your GUI will be complete, flexible and consistent (unlike PaperUI).
Fingers crossed.
I appreciate your input and understand the concept. Like I said - as long as the GUI is complete and consistent and as long as there is a basic backward compatibility (i.e. a way to migrate from old to new at least ) I wouldn’t mine using it.