MQTT Colorpick Item Sending Not Full


Please i need a small help with the color pick sending parameters via MQTT.

I already done by configuring my ESP8266 to receive HSV or HSL values and to control my RGB strip. And i am able to control the send the HSV values normally via http.

However, i was trying to send these same values from openhab via MQTT but i faced a problem where MQTT is only sending the first value of the HSV.

For example in the openhab logs i see that the color picker is changed to 145,73,85 but on the MQTTfx (MQTT message debugger) i see only that the 145 is sent.

the item is:
Color RGB_LED “Living Room LED Color” (All) {mqtt=">[mqttoh:Node_MCU/RGB/HSV:command:*:default]"}

is there any way to send the 3 values within the same MQTT message with the “,” included ?

Thank you in advance

This sounds like a bug to me. You should file an issue here.