Multiple Persistence?


I have now added mysql persistence.

Is there any reason to keep rrd4j persistence?


Ah no :smile:

i user mySQL for all measures like temperature, humidity and mapdb for all switches where only the latest state is relevant


@Dibbler42 why not use mysql for everything?


A couple possible reasons to keep rrd4j…

  1. You can only generate charts in the classic UI using rrd4j.
  2. rrd4j uses a fixed amount of disk space for a given configuration (though time compression of older values).

You can use mySQL for everything, but i don’t care about the state a switch has 2 years ago, but if this is relevant then you can use mysql.

To first topic - I am generating my charts with mySQL persistance
To second - Yes that is true and should be kept in mind

Persistance should be selectetd on the requirements.


Did you write your own chart generation code?

No, but it works with those lines

Chart item=gScOs_WeatherTemperatures service="mysql" period=4h refresh=60000 visibility=[SlVt_ChartIntervall==2]


Is this a old release issue? I use myql and generate charts.

                Text item=Today_Propane_Used icon="propane" {
                        Frame {
                                Switch item=Today_Period label="Chart Period" mappings=[1="Week",2="Month", 3="Year"]
                                Chart item=Today_Propane_Used service="mysql" period=W refresh=10000 visibility=[Today_Period==1]
                                Chart item=Today_Propane_Used service="mysql" period=M refresh=10000 visibility=[Today_Period==2]
                                Chart item=Today_Propane_Used service="mysql" period=Y refresh=10000 visibility=[Today_Period==3]
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Apparently. The wiki appears to be out of date.

For the moment, only the server-side chart creation as PNG through rrd4j is implemented. More to come soon!