My new Smart Home Automation System with OpenHab2 - Work in progress -> Migrating to OpenHAB3 -> Migrating to OpenHAB 4


In this video let’s see the integration of in #openhab 3, running it at regular intervals and view the results on our #sitemap.
We will also make the results persistent on #influxdb in order to analyze the historical trend.
#homeautomation #openhab #smarthome #domotic #automation #raspberry #openhabian #raspberrypi #raspberrypi4 #migration


In this second part let’s conclude the integration of #speedtest in #OpenHAB, configuring #InfluxDB #persistence and creating #dashboard on #grafana.


My first #floorplan example for #openhab 3 using sweet home 3d software to build the background image


Let’s see the step-by-step creation of a #floorplan page on #openhab 3, from the insertion of the background image to the positioning of the interactive markers


In this second part let’s complete the #floorplan page adding #markers for #temperature and #humidity #sensors and consumption #monitoring.


In this video let’s continue the creation of our user interface for tablets by creating a first draft of the control panel to be used on #TABLET that shows system status information and has buttons for viewing the #floorplan created.


In this video let’s begin the configuration of an #android #tablet to be used as a wall-mounted control panel for #openhab.
For this purpose I use #HabPanelViewer software for Android which, in addition to simplifying the full screen display of the OpenHAB interface, allows the tablet status information to be sent to openhab and allows openhab itself to send #commands to the tablet.

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In this video we continue the configuration of #HabPanelViewer, with particular reference to interfacing with #OpenHAB for receiving commands and sending status information


In this video we continue the configuration of the #tablet with #HabPanelViewer destined to become the touch control panel of my OpenHAB system that I will install on the wall in the kitchen.
In particular, let’s check the acquisition of the battery data using a #grafana #dashboard and then configure a rule that allows me to manage, through a #sonoff, the automatic recharge of the tablet.


How to get system informations about Raspberry PI 4 using OpenHAB 3 and System Info binding.


In this video we are going to verify the data acquisition using #grafana for a first check of #influxdb, also creating a summary dashboard.
Then we update the #sitemap and #tablet panel by adding some of this information.


Let’s conclude the discussion on system information by inserting control rules on some raspberry indicators. In particular, in this video we are going to create the rules to keep the raspberry disk usage under control, using the system info binding.
Then we update the sitemap to allow the management of the rule variables and view the notifications


In this video I make a rundown of the latest changes made to the #Grafana dashboards, in relation to the Home automation data collected on #InfluxDB.
In particular, I added the dashboard that displays the data of my photovoltaic inverter; then I modified the alert dashboard to add some missing things and completed the info system dashboard.


Let’s see the creation of an additional #floorplan page added to the control panel on the #tablet. The page in question is that of the garden.
Let’s see all the steps, from the creation of the page with the 3d background to the positioning of the individual markers and the insertion of the page in the control panel.


In this video we see the application of a first real use case of my #alarm #notification system.
A #speedtest #binding error notified and corrected in a short time, thanks to the verification of the timestamp of the last update of the items.


Let’s see the addition of a new page to our #tablet control panel for the detailed view of the #alarms.


After publishing on #github the #yaml sources of my #pages of #openhab used for the control panel on #tablet,
I thought I’d make a little video to show how to use them.


Using openHAB #widget on #android #smartphone


With OpenHAB version 3.3, there is a new #trigger based on a DateTime item for the execution of the #rules


In this video we see an example of a datetime trigger on a rule as an application of the new Openhab 3.3 feature that I introduced in the previous video