myOpenhab notifications OH2

Hi I’m currently using Openhab 2 and have successfully implemented Z-wave, Phillips Hue, IHC and modbus. But I want to have a notification when for example the light is in night mode. This worked fine with OH1 but in OH2 I tried to send a broadcast notification to my Iphone. But Eclipse Smarthome Designer doesn’t accept the following code line,

sendBroadcastNotification(“Scenarie aktivert”)

I get a red line under the code above with the message:

  • missing EOF at ‘sendBroadcastNotification’

Does anyone have an idea whats wrong?

Here are the rule that I’m trying to get an notification from:

rule "Lys scenarie"
Item Scene_General received command

logInfo(‘org.openhab’, ‘Scene_General received state:’ + Scene_General.state)
sendBroadcastNotification(“Scenarie aktivert”)
switch (receivedCommand) {
case 0: { // Hjemme
sendCommand(Hjemme, ON)
sendCommand(Natt, OFF)
sendCommand(Borte, OFF)
case 1: { // Natt
sendCommand(Hjemme, OFF)
sendCommand(Natt, ON)
sendCommand(Borte, OFF)
case 2: { // Borte
sendCommand(Hjemme, OFF)
sendCommand(Natt, OFF)
sendCommand(Borte, ON)

