notifications not working

I have not received a notification since April 7. I have created a test button that triggers a notification to my device at every state change. I have put the openhabcloud service into debug level logging. When I trigger the test button the log claims no connection to the cloud service

[io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - No connection, notification is not sent

However a pushover notification in the same rule works which tells me the rule is working. Also, although the log claims there is no connection when it tries to sent a notification, the Event Log on my Openhab Cloud account is being updated. And my local log is not complaining about no connection. I am also able to send a notification to my phone from the website.
here’s the rule:

rule “Testbed”
Item Test_Button changed
sendNotification(“”, “Test Button Pressed”)
//sendBroadcastNotification (“Test Button Pressed”)
pushsafer(“My private key removed for safety”, “Test Button pressed”, “Test”, “my userid”,“”,“”,“”)
logInfo(“Test Button”, “Rule triggered”)
[DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Sending update ‘ON’ for item ‘WZ_Motion’

How can there be a connection to post Event Logs but not a connection for Notifications?

I’m using Openhab2.1 on a RaspberryPi3 with an ethernet connection and no other network interfaces active. I have restarted my RPi multiple times as well as restarting just the Openhab service.

I have no idea where to go from here. There is a connection to the cloud service as evidenced by the Event Log but the Notification service can’t use it, or doesn’t recognize it.