I may have been over-eager to help test this one may I ask for a point in the right direction? I’m sure I missed something…
I started by upgrading my OH instance to 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT (Windows, installed as a service), and removed all Nanoleaf Things (and the binding) for reinstall. The controller is okay to be added as a Thing, but all panels give me this error:
(Message is:
class java.math.BigDecimal cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer (java.math.BigDecimal and java.lang.Integer are in module java.base of loader ‘bootstrap’)
Any ideas would be most appreciated, I will keep trying to find a solution or if that doesn’t work I can always go back to 3.3.0. In case it’s something with Java, I’m using Zulu 11.0.17 but can change it if needed
If not, I have a jq query which might shed some light of the issue: cat userdata/jsondb/org.openhab.core.thing.Thing.json | jq ‘… | with_entries(select(.key | contains(“nanoleaf:lightpanel”))) | select(“configur
ation.id”) | to_entries[] | .value.value.configuration.id
The bug has been fixed and already merged but it will only be available with the final release of 3.4 after this milestone M6 which will come pretty soon.
Of course I’d love to help! The reason I upgraded was because I couldn’t figure out how to update a binding only without updating the entire platform How can I grab this version to test for you, what’s the best way?
Been experimenting with a Nanoleaf light strip. (I know it is listed as untested with the binding)
I currently have it connected via the Nanoleaf app and HomeKit using Thread (it has no Wifi).
Using Flame app on an IPhone I can get the IPv6 address, and see it is using _hap._udp. and _ltpdu._udp. both via the same port 5683.
I am able to ping the address and the port.
That’s about as far as I can get, if I use these values in the Nanoleaf binding it won’t connect.
I have tried using the PIN code that comes with the light, as the authentication code but this fails.
I am willing to try other suggestions to enable this via the binding, or send logs etc if it helps with development.
My current OH build is the release version of 3.4.
The light strip is my only Nanoleaf product.
my personal feeling is that it won’t work. I am not aware that thread is supported somehow in openHAB and the binding is only managing the wifi API for Nanoleaf.
I own one of these myself but I switch it on and off with a mains plug and control the light via the App. I disabled bluetooth and it still works, if I switch off wifi it doesn’t. So it seems to use “wifi” probably as you said via thread (at least a google mini is next to it which might by the border router). Though, I have no idea how to find out the IP address of the device (I have so many on my network). If I knew what the IP was I could try to reach it via the API…
Thanks for the reply, as expected it is not an easy task.
I think you are correct and in your setup it is using the google mini as a border router.
In my case I use a Apple tv as the border router.
I managed to get my IP using Flame on iPhone (a Bonjour Network Services Browser) not sure what an equivalent is for other platforms.
I have looked at the Nanoleaf forum but its a bit of a mess with loads of spam.
There is no real info for the Essentials but it makes it seam like these are setup differently.
I will keep an eye out and will post an update if I manage to find anything helpful that could be added to the binding.
I have an iPad and installed flame and even on my Macbook. On both I can detect the ipv6 address and even a ping works from the Mac but it seems it doesn’t have an ipv6 address for some reason. I am kind of stuck now. Bonjour also only show udp and now tcp connection as it seems… The only think that would come into my mind is wirehsharking the network but I am kind of lacking that time at the moment