Hi Stefan, Hi Morten,
is this still the only way to use the Canvas as a trigger? Or do we know if this became part of the binding?
Thanks - Sebastian
Hi Stefan, Hi Morten,
is this still the only way to use the Canvas as a trigger? Or do we know if this became part of the binding?
Thanks - Sebastian
" if this"
Not sure what exactly you refer to…
I think the thing trigger channel implementation is supported officially from 3.1.0 M3. Was that your question?
The binding now support gestures, thanks to @stefan.hoehn
Group:Switch canvasPanelSingleTap
Switch panel42426SingleTap (canvasPanelSingleTap) { channel = "nanoleaf:lightpanel:741ADCF0C4B8:42426:singleTap" }
Switch panel42633SingleTap (canvasPanelSingleTap) { channel = "nanoleaf:lightpanel:741ADCF0C4B8:42633:singleTap" }
rule "Nanoleaf panel single tap"
Member of canvasPanelSingleTap received update
logInfo("canvasPanelTap", triggeringItem.name + " State=" + triggeringItem.state)
if (triggeringItem.state == ON) {
switch(triggeringItem.name) {
case "panel42426SingleTap": {
BuildInKjokkenBench.sendCommand(if (BuildInKjokkenBench.state==ON) OFF else ON)
case "panel42633SingleTap": {
default: {
Jusy watch /var/log/openhab/openhab.log when tapping a tile and it will show you the ID.