[SOLVED] NAS-WR01ZE version 2.23


I got a new batch of devices, this time with firmware 2.23. I previously had devices with versions 2.32 and 3.94:

dbReference 	1117
manufacturerId 	0258
manufacturerRef 	0200:1027
modelId 	NAS-WR01ZE
vendor 	Shenzhen Neo Electronics Co., Ltd
zwave_beaming 	true
zwave_class_basic 	BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_class_generic 	GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
zwave_deviceid 	4135
zwave_devicetype 	512
zwave_frequent 	false
zwave_lastheal 	2020-01-07T01:18:24Z
zwave_listening 	true
zwave_manufacturer 	600
zwave_neighbours 	1,3,5,13
zwave_nodeid 	23
zwave_plus_devicetype 	NODE_TYPE_ZWAVEPLUS_NODE
zwave_plus_roletype 	ROLE_TYPE_SLAVE_ALWAYS_ON
zwave_routing 	true
zwave_secure 	false
zwave_version 	2.23

dbReference 	1117
manufacturerId 	0258
manufacturerRef 	0200:1027
modelId 	NAS-WR01ZE
vendor 	Shenzhen Neo Electronics Co., Ltd
zwave_beaming 	true
zwave_class_basic 	BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_class_generic 	GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
zwave_deviceid 	4135
zwave_devicetype 	512
zwave_frequent 	false
zwave_listening 	true
zwave_manufacturer 	600
zwave_neighbours 	3,12,16
zwave_nodeid 	20
zwave_plus_devicetype 	NODE_TYPE_ZWAVEPLUS_NODE
zwave_plus_roletype 	ROLE_TYPE_SLAVE_ALWAYS_ON
zwave_routing 	true
zwave_secure 	false
zwave_version 	2.32

dbReference 	397
defaultAssociations 	1
manufacturerId 	0258
manufacturerRef 	0003:0087,0003:1087,0003:1483
modelId 	NAS-WR01ZE
vendor 	Shenzhen Neo Electronics Co., Ltd
zwave_beaming 	true
zwave_class_basic 	BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_class_generic 	GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
zwave_deviceid 	4231
zwave_devicetype 	3
zwave_frequent 	false
zwave_lastheal 	2020-01-07T01:18:27Z
zwave_listening 	true
zwave_manufacturer 	600
zwave_neighbours 	1,22
zwave_nodeid 	19
zwave_plus_devicetype 	NODE_TYPE_ZWAVEPLUS_NODE
zwave_plus_roletype 	ROLE_TYPE_SLAVE_ALWAYS_ON
zwave_routing 	true
zwave_secure 	false
zwave_version 	3.94

The 2.23 device seems to be found just fine but there’s nothing to be configured besides polling:

How do I determine if a database update is required to configure it properly or if the older firmware just is very limited?



Hello. You should update the version of z-wave binding. This issue was resolved with one of the last database updates. Also it was discussed in this thread [SOLVED] NEO Wallplug (NAS-WR01ZE) is in the database but is shown as Unknown Device

Thanks, last instructions worked almost to the letter.

