Need help starting up OpenHab3

They appear to be all amd64

mike@openhab:~$ dpkg-query --showformat '${Status}\t${Package}\t${Version}\t${Architecture}\t${Origin}\t${Section}\n' -W | column -ts $'\t' | grep zulu
install ok installed       zulu-8                                                              amd64  oldlibs
install ok installed       zulu8                                       8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-ca                                    8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-ca-doc                                8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-ca-jdk                                8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-ca-jdk-headless                       8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-ca-jre                                8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-ca-jre-headless                       8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-doc                                   8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-jdk                                   8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-jdk-headless                          8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-jre                                   8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java
install ok installed       zulu8-jre-headless                          8.0.282-1                                   amd64  java

This is all that’s in the 2 files:

deb stable main # disabled on upgrade to bionic

deb [arch=amd64] stable main # disabled on upgrade to bionic

The result looks a bit unexpected. I expected to see the arm package as well.
It could be that that java is not part of a zulu package or not installed via apt.
Did you manually install java by using wget and untarring it ?
There are other files that contain java and end in .list. Are they used to install java as well or are this java apps ?

Could you try the following command to check if there are any non amd64 packages installed:

dpkg-query --showformat '${Status}\t${Package}\t${Version}\t${Architecture}\t${Origin}\t${Section}\n' -W | column -ts `\t' | grep  -v amd64

Where is the java link pointing to ? Could you please check where the java binary link is pointing to by doing following steps ( the second and third one needs to be adapted based on each previous result ):

ls -l /usr/bin/java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Jun 14  2020 /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java
ls -l /etc/alternatives/java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Dez 20 12:22 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
dpkg -S /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java

In this case openjdk-11-jre-headless is the package that is behind the active java version.

I appreciate you trying to help me. But this is getting a little complicated for me. I think I might try a fresh reinstall of Ubuntu to see if that fixes anything. Thanks again!

Hi @MikeH,

You should be okay to simply install Java 11 from a package. If this is a relatively new version of Ubuntu, then:

sudo apt install default-jdk


sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

And then you can check again with

java -version

I don’t think openHABian supports Ubuntu which may have caused the error. @mstormi shouldn’t we check and warn for this?

You will be better off with installing the openHABian image.

It’s prominent in the README. To be frank I don’t have much pity when people fail because they didn’t read it.

Well OH3 never goes well even with openhabian setup - at least for me

What you need to do is:

  1. Try to install OH3 from openhabian menu - normally it should install new version (please follow the documentation first).
  2. When you have errors in new log and you can;t reach OH3 final step which is creating a administrator account in web UI

Stop OH

sudo systemctl stop openhab.service

sudo mkdir /opt/jdk

cd /opt/jdk

dpkg --print-architecture

sudo wget

sudo tar -xzvf zulu11.43.100-ca-jdk11.0.9.1-linux_aarch32hf.tar.gz

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk/zulu11.43.100-ca-jdk11.0.9.1-linux_aarch32hf/bin/java 1

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk/zulu11.43.100-ca-jdk11.0.9.1-linux_aarch32hf/bin/javac 1

sudo update-alternatives --config java

((You'll be prompted to select the alternative, pick the zulu11 you've just installed.))

sudo rm *.tar.gz

sudo systemctl start openhab.service

Sometimes its better to sudo restart.

That helps me each time :slight_smile:

It does for most. If it does not for you please help find out why so we can enhance it for everybody’s benefit.
Do you run Ubuntu ? What HW ?

Set debugmode=maximum before you run openhabian-config and select OH install or upgrade.

I will do it next time - yes I always install openhabian on Ubuntu 20.04 or 20.10 (but it mostly goes with Zulu problems more complex on 20.10).

On next update - if client will pay for it I will perform max logging and post it here. Or if i will put my hands on some RP3/4 I will do it for community :slight_smile: (dont have ona atm).

As already mentioned multiple times, openHABian is not supported on Ubuntu.
So @MikeH and @quarku, let me please make the point that the reason for your and other’s trouble is neither openHABian nor OH but your decision alone to use openHABian on a platform that it is not meant to work on (and never has been !).
If you run on unsupported hard- or software, this is the first thing you should mention and you should prominently and non-misunderstandably state right that on your first post in a thread so you do not trick anyone into helping you.
That’s a question of fairness to all readers that you address with your post to help you.

To elaborate, I also dislike undifferentiated statements like

for the very same reason. That was also a first post that is skipping that context and hides the fact that all this only happens because you chose to run on an unsupported platform (no matter if you did so by intention or just out of carelessness).

That being said, the reason for this not being supported is that noone helped with openHABian development doing the testing work.
You and everyone else who wants to run Ubuntu are welcome to make openHABian work on Ubuntu. So please test and find out what’s not working and why, and contribute your testing results
as an openHABian PR on Github (preferrably with code changes if needed).

Mr Storm,

I think you took it too much personally.
I will not continue this kind of opinion exchange but according to openhab offcial download page:

  1. TIP

On Debian-based systems you can also opt to add our openHABian turn-key solution on top of your existing operating system, follow these instructions instead to check whether your system is eligible and install it.

In short:
It works fine, no problem it it. Just update from 2.5 dosent.

Debian, not Ubuntu. Sure you may claim Ubuntu is Debian based but that is not how this was meant. Did you ever click the link let alone read the README ? It’s pretty unambiguous then. Will get the link changed.

No. Upgrading does not work, various 3rd party tools do not work.
Do your clients know you run their boxes with an unsupported OS ? For me that would be a no-go.

Yes I claim Ubuntu is a debian based system.
I know about wireguard issues and homegear issues. You can add something I would love to hear what is my limitations.

Didn’t notice anything suspicious in modbus which is 60% and Heos and harmony and netatmo that’s pretty much all I need to work.

IMHO this OS is supported, just not fully in area which is not really necessary for me.

My home is also on Ubuntu 20.04.
Maybe we will start to PM each other rather than spam this thread?