Need urgent help with Openhab Cloud

Hi All,
I have set up an OpenHAB Cloud server on a Ubuntu Instance in AWS EC2.
Even after starting OpenHAB in my local windows system and logging in with the UUID and Secret, the cloud instance showing that it is offline. Can someone help me with it? How can I connect my local OpenHAB with the hosted OpenHAB server?

You need to install the openhab cloud connector.
Use the UUID and secret.
The baseurl in the openhab cloud configuration needs to point to your AWS EC2 instance.
The openhab cloud instance web interface is reachable ( assume so as you need to get UUID and secret from there ).
What does the logging of the cloud instance show ?

I have a similar problem. I installed the connector and can connect to my instance, it works fine. However, even with changing the configuration to point to my AWS EC2 instance, I still see my local instance as offline. Is there something I need to change in OpenHAB configuration in my cloud instance?

I am one step further now. I acquired a domain through Amazon Route 53, and entered instead of the dummy names in config.json:

In the nginx default file, I now put

I also acquired an elastic IP address and routed both and to it.

Using my OpenHAB Cloud AWS instance, I can now see that my (local) instance is online. However, when I click the link to the dashboard, I see an empty page.

Does anyone have any ideas?