NEEO Remote Binding/Transport

Tim, firstly many thanks for this binding and the transport. I have been using both over the past couple of weeks after downloading the version posted here

I am having an issue with the binding where after an action is triggered it can take several minutes for the status item in OpenHAB to update.

I have been able to replicate this in two ways:

  1. When changing the status item for a scenario in OpenHAB (eg turning it ON) the NEEO correctly launches the recipe, immediately changes the status back to OFF but then a minute or two later will update with ON
02:36:11.369 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'neeoAtv' received command OFF
02:36:11.374 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoAtv changed from ON to OFF
02:36:11.478 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"poweroff","recipe":"Apple TV"}
02:36:11.480 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered []
02:36:11.502 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoomNEEO14b0c810_Scenario6342512720532733952_Status changed from ON to OFF
02:36:11.544 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342512720532733952_status changed from ON to OFF
02:36:11.547 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["Apple TV"]
02:36:11.549 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Turning off AV Receiver
02:36:11.551 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoAtv changed from OFF to ON
02:36:11.554 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoomNEEO14b0c810_Scenario6342512720532733952_Status changed from OFF to ON
02:36:11.555 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342512720532733952_status changed from OFF to ON
02:36:12.487 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Switching TV to INPUT HDMI 1
02:36:13.487 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Turning off AV Receiver
02:36:14.491 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Turning off TV
02:36:15.488 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Sending STOP to Apple TV
02:36:16.487 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered null

02:38:08.092 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered []
02:38:08.097 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoAtv changed from ON to OFF
02:38:08.099 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoomNEEO14b0c810_Scenario6342512720532733952_Status changed from ON to OFF
02:38:08.102 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342512720532733952_status changed from ON to OFF
  1. When using the NEEO to launch another recipe while a recipe is already launched. For example I launch the Playstation recipe and the OpenHAB status item turns to ON. Then I launch the TV recipe and while the Playstation recipe should turn off it stays on for another minute
03:04:55.554 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"launch","recipe":"PlayStation"}
03:04:55.562 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["PlayStation"]
03:04:55.563 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoPS3 changed from OFF to ON
03:04:55.564 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342581364964982784_status changed from OFF to ON

03:05:08.910 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"launch","recipe":"TV"}
03:05:08.917 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["PlayStation","TV"]
03:05:08.918 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoTv changed from OFF to ON
03:05:08.918 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6353086361263669248_status changed from OFF to ON

03:06:08.355 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["TV"]
03:06:08.358 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoPS3 changed from ON to OFF
03:06:08.360 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342581364964982784_status changed from ON to OFF

It looks like the culprit is the #activeScenarios trigger being incorrect. Is this something incorrect with my setup, or a bug that can be fixed?


edit: Just to note I have tried reinstalling the binding, restarting OpenHAB and rebooting the NEEO and the problem persists

Expose All: (true) means to automatically assign a NEEO Type (usually ACCESSOIRE) to the thing - which allows it to be discovered by the NEEO brain. (false) means to assign “” to the thing (which turns off discovery by the NEEO brain).

Expose NEEO Binding: similar to Expose ALL but is scoped simply to things from the NEEO binding

If you have ALL set to true, the NEEO binding config doesn’t matter (since it’s already included by the ALL).

Either way - the NEEO transport screen should discover all things in the system. Those configs ONLY attempt to set a NEEO type to the thing


You definitely need to turn on the DEBUG level for both the binding and transport - there just simply isn’t enough in the log to determine what is happening.

However - I will say that the delay is likely due to the timings of the notification from the NEEO brain. Pure conjecture but here is what I think is happening:

  1. You start a recipe - switch is ON
  2. The binding processes your item and switches to OFF immediately (just how it works)
  3. The brain starts the recipe and goes through all the steps (each step will take a certain amount of time depending on the device/step)
  4. The brain finishes all the steps and THEN sends the recipe launched event to the binding
  5. The binding processes the recipe launch and set’s the status to ON

The second scenario - I’d really need to see the debug level for. I’m betting I’m not getting an event from the brain but that’s really tough to tell.

I turned on debug for both the binding and transport.

Here are the logs again

  1. When changing the status item for a scenario in OpenHAB (eg turning it ON) the NEEO correctly launches the recipe, immediately changes the status back to OFF but then a minute or two later will update with ON
13:44:13.187 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:17.554 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'neeoAtv' received command ON
13:44:17.556 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoAtv changed from OFF to ON
13:44:17.656 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Starting TV
13:44:17.658 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"launch","recipe":"Apple TV"}
13:44:17.672 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["Apple TV"]
13:44:17.680 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoomNEEO14b0c810_Scenario6342512720532733952_Status changed from OFF to ON
13:44:17.686 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342512720532733952_status changed from OFF to ON
13:44:17.688 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered []
13:44:17.689 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoomNEEO14b0c810_Scenario6342512720532733952_Status changed from ON to OFF
13:44:17.689 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342512720532733952_status changed from ON to OFF
13:44:17.690 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoAtv changed from ON to OFF
13:44:18.657 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Starting AV Receiver
13:44:18.780 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:19.658 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Starting Apple TV
13:44:20.660 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Switching TV to INPUT HDMI 2
13:44:21.659 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered Switching AV Receiver to INPUT TV AUDIO
13:44:22.658 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#currentStep triggered null
13:44:23.187 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:28.779 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:33.186 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:38.779 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:43.186 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:48.779 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:53.187 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:44:58.780 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:45:03.186 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:45:08.779 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:45:13.187 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:45:18.779 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:45:23.186 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:45:28.484 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["Apple TV"]
13:45:28.490 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoomNEEO14b0c810_Scenario6342512720532733952_Status changed from OFF to ON
13:45:28.492 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342512720532733952_status changed from OFF to ON
13:45:28.492 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoAtv changed from OFF to ON
13:45:28.779 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:45:33.190 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
  1. When using the NEEO to launch another recipe while a recipe is already launched. For example I launch the Playstation recipe and the OpenHAB status item turns to ON. Then I launch the TV recipe and while the Playstation recipe should turn off it stays on for another minute
13:59:48.860 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"launch","recipe":"PlayStation"}
13:59:48.864 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["PlayStation"]
13:59:48.869 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342581364964982784_status changed from OFF to ON
13:59:48.872 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoPS3 changed from OFF to ON
13:59:53.178 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
13:59:58.772 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:03.180 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:08.772 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:13.208 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:18.771 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:23.182 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:28.441 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"launch","recipe":"TV"}
14:00:28.446 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["PlayStation","TV"]
14:00:28.456 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6353086361263669248_status changed from OFF to ON
14:00:28.461 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoTv changed from OFF to ON
14:00:28.772 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:33.178 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:38.771 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:43.178 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:48.771 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:53.181 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:00:58.771 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:01:03.179 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:01:08.769 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:01:13.178 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:01:18.771 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:01:23.179 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
14:01:28.584 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["TV"]
14:01:28.588 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342581364964982784_status changed from ON to OFF
14:01:28.591 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoPS3 changed from ON to OFF
14:01:28.771 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful

After the brain finishes all steps there is still a delay of more than one minute before the binding updates and reflects the true status of NEEO (both remote and iOS app) in both cases. Perhaps the API can be slow to reflect the actual status of the recipes? Is this a normal behaviour? If not I will try resetting the brain

Very interesting log and counter to what I see with my brains. I’m pretty sure this is an issue with the handling in the binding. Let me look at some code and see if I can come up with something

Unlike what I said before - you’re getting the forward actions event notification almost immediately but it get’s reverted when the binding set’s the status back to OFF. You then see it ON when the binding does it’s next polling update.

New version of the binding and transport posted to


  1. Fixed issue (hopefully) that @Nic_P posted (above) about recipe/active scenarios
  2. Fixed really annoying reconnect issue (when IP address changes) in transport
  3. Fixed some UI issues in transport (like deleting an unsaved virtual thing results in errors, sort issue, size issue, etc)

Thanks for the update @tmrobert8,

I can confirm that it fixed the first of the problems I was having when launching a scenario from OpenHAB - the item no longer turns off!

Unfortunately I’m still having the second problem where if another scenario is launched I end up with the old and the new scenario showing as “on” in OpenHAB even though the brain correctly only has latter one. This behaviour exists when triggering from OpenHAB and also when triggering via the NEEO remote/app.

Here is a log using the updated binding. In this example I launch the scenario “TV” at 22:59:30 using the NEEO remote. Then at 23:00:15 I launch the scenario “Apple TV” using the NEEO remote. After this point OpenHAB shows both scenarios as active even though “TV” as turned off when “Apple TV” started. It looks like it takes until the next refresh where it turns off at 23:02:13.

22:59:30.933 [DEBUG] [eeo.handler.NeeoForwardActionsServlet] - handleForwardActions {"action":"launch","recipe":"TV"}
22:59:30.934 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"launch","recipe":"TV"}
22:59:30.936 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["TV"]
22:59:30.938 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6353086361263669248_status changed from OFF to ON
22:59:30.939 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoTv changed from OFF to ON
22:59:31.163 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
22:59:35.518 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
22:59:41.164 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
22:59:45.517 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
22:59:51.162 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
22:59:55.519 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:00.477 [DEBUG] [eeo.handler.NeeoForwardActionsServlet] - handleForwardActions {"action":"CHANNEL_092"}
23:00:00.479 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"CHANNEL_092"}
23:00:01.163 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:05.514 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:11.163 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:13.835 [DEBUG] [] - 93 * Sending client request on thread ESH-thingHandler-3
93 > GET

23:00:13.856 [DEBUG] [] - 93 * Client response received on thread ESH-thingHandler-3
93 < 200
93 < Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
93 < Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type,Accept,X-Requested-With,Origin,X-NEEO-Secure
93 < Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
93 < Connection: keep-alive
93 < Content-Length: 23
93 < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
93 < Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 12:00:13 GMT
93 < ETag: W/"17-WVjlZ9zs0NDGXOYRK8V6qCE5rxM"
93 < Server: nginx

23:00:15.518 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:15.848 [DEBUG] [eeo.handler.NeeoForwardActionsServlet] - handleForwardActions {"action":"launch","recipe":"Apple TV"}
23:00:15.849 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:14b0c810:forwardActions triggered {"action":"launch","recipe":"Apple TV"}
23:00:15.852 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["TV","Apple TV"]
23:00:15.854 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LivingRoomNEEO14b0c810_Scenario6342512720532733952_Status changed from OFF to ON
23:00:15.856 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6342512720532733952_status changed from OFF to ON
23:00:15.856 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoAtv changed from OFF to ON
23:00:21.165 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:25.515 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:31.167 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:35.518 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:41.162 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:45.519 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:51.165 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:00:55.518 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:01.167 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:05.517 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:11.162 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:15.517 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:21.163 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:25.514 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:31.161 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:35.514 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:41.162 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:45.517 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:51.162 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:01:55.516 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:02:01.163 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:02:05.516 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:02:11.162 [DEBUG] [ ] - Checking connectivity to - successful
23:02:13.861 [DEBUG] [] - 94 * Sending client request on thread ESH-thingHandler-4
94 > GET

23:02:13.876 [DEBUG] [] - 94 * Client response received on thread ESH-thingHandler-4
94 < 200
94 < Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
94 < Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type,Accept,X-Requested-With,Origin,X-NEEO-Secure
94 < Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
94 < Connection: keep-alive
94 < Content-Length: 23
94 < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
94 < Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 12:02:13 GMT
94 < ETag: W/"17-hH59NRr7ignsmGJs4BDT+3EW2pY"
94 < Server: nginx

23:02:13.877 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:room-6232364704883277824:14b0c810:room:state#activeScenarios triggered ["Apple TV"]
23:02:13.880 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeo_room_6232364704883277824_14b0c810_room_scenario_6353086361263669248_status changed from ON to OFF
23:02:13.882 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - neeoTv changed from ON to OFF
23:02:15.516 [DEBUG] [binding.neeo.handler.NeeoBrainHandler] - Checking connectivity to - successful

Looks like that’s an issue on the brain. You’ll see at 23:00:15.848 - we received the “launch” action for “Apple TV” but we didn’t receive the “poweroff” action for your “TV”. I’m going to reproduce on my side and put a bug report on

Eventually when the state refresh swings around (30 seconds or so) - the situation would correct itself. But we don’t have it immediately because the brain is only telling us the Apple TV was launched

Hi Tim. Do you know if there is a known issue (NEEO) with feedback on the remote? I use your transport for my light and when I switch on/off locally or within OpenHAB. I get the feedback to NEEO app Android or iOS, but not on the remote. I know this is not your bindings fault since the brain get the proper value.

Sorry for of topic.


Yes - that’s a known bug for SDK added items (the state is not being updated properly on the remote). Same applies to sliders as well

Edit: note there are bugs in the app that don’t appear on the remote - buttons on the APP do not work for SDK added items but do work on the remote…

Thanks Tim!

I assume (hope) this will be fixed in a near future :slight_smile:

Thanks Tim,

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

Thanks for reporting it. I’ve confirmed it on my end and submitted the case to NEEO (Patrick said he’ll talk to Michael about it). I’ll let you know if something comes of it…

@tmrobert8 I stopped being able to use a light switch on the NEEO remote and app. I have a light switch set up through the transport. The communication is up. When I switch from the remote or app, the item does not get updated in openHAB. When I switch from openHAB, the update goes to the NEEO and the switch changes on the remote and app.
I switched on debug logging for the transport (not for the binding). I then triggered the switch from the remote.
Below is the log. Note that the binding gets a forwardAction for the switch, as can be seen from the log event of one of my rules in the log below.
This used to work. I don’t know when it stopped, but I am now on the very latest version of binding and transport.
I tried removing the switch from the NEEO and adding it back. NEEO did not find any openhab things anymore when trying to add an new device. This looks very similar to what @Dragonfly was also experiencing.

2018-01-23 18:01:38.432 [DEBUG] [] - 1 * Sending client request on thread JmDNS pool-32-thread-1

1 > GET

2018-01-23 18:01:38.470 [DEBUG] [] - 1 * Client response received on thread JmDNS pool-32-thread-1

1 < 200

1 < Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

1 < Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type,Accept,X-Requested-With,Origin,X-NEEO-Secure

1 < Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS

1 < Connection: keep-alive

1 < Content-Length: 1864

1 < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

1 < Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 17:01:38 GMT

1 < ETag: W/"748-lH79sqvVCYdBEyoIKv3YX/pJEew"

1 < Server: nginx

1 < Vary: Accept-Encoding


2018-01-23 18:01:38.476 [DEBUG] [nternal.discovery.MdnsBrainDiscovery] - NEEO Brain / already registered

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==

2018-01-23 18:01:39.482 [vent.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:d487672e:forwardActions triggered {"action":"Licht_Nachthal","device":"Nachthal","room":"Boven","actionparameter":true}

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==

2018-01-23 18:01:39.509 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.neeo] - action received: {"action":"Licht_Nachthal","device":"Nachthal","room":"Boven","actionparameter":true}

2018-01-23 18:01:41.580 [DEBUG] [] - Checking connectivity to - successful

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==

2018-01-23 18:01:46.178 [vent.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - neeo:brain:d487672e:forwardActions triggered {"action":"Licht_Nachthal","device":"Nachthal","room":"Boven","actionparameter":false}

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==

2018-01-23 18:01:46.202 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.neeo] - action received: {"action":"Licht_Nachthal","device":"Nachthal","room":"Boven","actionparameter":false}

That’s the elusive bug that I just figured out last night and am testing today. If all goes well today - I’ll be putting out a new version tomorrow

Uploaded new binding/io jars to

HIGHLY recommend going to this version as a critical fix to the binding was made


  1. Fixed issue where thing/device stopped accepting commands if brain was rebooted or temporarily lost communication
  2. Moved timings to new properties panel (press the new GEAR icon on the thing to access)
  3. Added device capabilities to new properties panel. Currently, the only capability supported is “alwaysOn” - which eliminates the ‘power’ processing on the brain (ie no powerstate, no power buttons and is NOT marked as stupid).


When you open up the pull request to download the latest - can you delete ALL comments you made? We are having issues with the PR because there are sooo many comments on it and deleting them is the only workaround.


@tmrobert8 I removed my comments from the PR. I hope this improves the situation.

I loaded the latest binding and transport. It did not solve the issue for me. I have the latest transport, as I now have the gear icons. However:

  • I still cannot add openHAB things to the NEEO (I removed one and tried adding it back). It does not find any OH things anymore. When I switch on debug logging, I see the queries to the transport happening, but the results never become visible in the NEEO app.
  • The transport still does not update OH when I use a light switch from the NEEO. from OH to NEEO works. The binding does pick up the update from NEEO in the forwardActions channel (see my log above). Could there be a conflict between binding and transport?

So, I am afraid the latest version does not resolve the issue for me. What can I do help resolve this?

The neeo discovery issue has me confused. Do me a favor - turn off any firewall and try again. If it still doesn’t work, send me the snippet in the log file of the search and result being sent (should find a line like: Search ‘xxx’, response: yyyy)

As for the second issue, turn on debug for the binding and try the light again - I’d like to see what it’s trying to do (forward actions doesn’t really play into this like you think). You should see a post to the transport with the light, then an item event being posted on the bus, then the binding processing it.

Could you also post some more detail about the situation - I’m not sure if the light is a NEEO discovered light (that you are trying to trigger from openHAB) or an openHAB light that was exposed to the brain via the transport…