Neo coolcam z-wave devices

Are the main command classes, parameters and associations the same? Eg all the ones that have channels associated with them. The ā€œmanagementā€ classes that you list above donā€™t really matter tooo much I think - the binding will sort this out by itself.

On the other hand, it would not hurt to use a separate database entry either, it might not be required thoughā€¦

Iā€™ve found differences:

device in question existing device
association groups: 2 association groups: 3
E_A,E_KWh,E_V,E_W E_A,E_KWh,E_V,W_Cubic_Meters,E_W,E_KVAh

Both have 10 configuration parameters.

If you need to take a look at the xml file, here are both:

0003_1087.xml (16.3 KB)
network_ca82ea18__node_7.xml (14.0 KB)

For me it seems to be all same command classes,parameters and associations (if I could trust the manuals and what i!! see in openHAB).Only Parameter 11(ClearAccumulatedEnery) is missing. Have a 3.94 and a 2.32 wall plug here. All Channels are working with the newer 2.32 and the current snapshot, but as SjoerdT mentionedā€¦no configuration change is accepted.


The new device also supports the COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATIONā€¦

Itā€™s possible that the database doesnā€™t contain all the classes - without an XML from a device, itā€™s hard to be sure.

However, if the number of groups is different, then thatā€™s an issue.

What device do you have? Can you provide the XML so we can check?

Of courseā€¦
V2.32.xml (14.0 KB)
V3.94.xml (13.1 KB)

Quite a lot of changes :sunglasses:

Sorry, but Iā€™m new to this z-wave stuff. But now I know where to look :wink:


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any more help here needed to get those devices added? I just got 3 of those myself (not yet recocnized by OpenHab2) and would like to use them and have some time.


Sorry, lost track :grinning:
Device added:
Could you please upload a recent manual and add config parameter 11? Thx.

BTW, you need a recent zwave snapshot, 0200:1027 wonā€™t work on 2.4 stable zwave binding.

Not sure if anyone else experiences this, but 4 of my recently bought Neo CoolCam devices (0x258:0x1027:0x200) have the configuration parameters shuffled all over (and not matching the printed manuals I got with them in the box :slight_smile: )ā€¦ not to mention OH config.
My devs report (via COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION) to be the following:
version: 3, Protocol: 6.2, Firmware: 2.32, hardwareVersion: 16

The default parameters I get upon device factory reset are:

ID Value Comment (guessed behavior - based on trial and error)
1 1 Remember relay On/Off status
2 1 Button On/Off Enable
3 1 Led Display Enable
4 0 Plug time switch function Enable
5 120 Time switch period
6 1 Meter report enable ?
7 300 Meter Report Interval ?
8 16 Maximum over-load current ?
9 50 Configure power report ?
10 13 Maximum alarm current ?
- No params 11,12 ?

I.e. the Meter Report Interval (formerly param 2) is now param 7ā€¦ and param 3 now controls the LED behavior, while it used to be about overload currentā€¦ And yes, the defaults have changed as well, so have some ranges (e.g. #9 seems to control reporting sensitivity, but no idea what is the unit now as it accepts vals > 100)

Anyone else experienced this? Is there any updated description of the params or new manual available somewhere?

  • Side-note: I also have 0x258:0x1087:0x3 CoolCam devices, reporting:
    version: 2, Protocol: 4.5, Firmware: 3.94, hardwareVersion: 65, which have an OK config (parameters match the manual)


Sadly, the manual I had is already in the trash :-/

You have to use the lastest 2.5 snapshot of the zwave binding. 2.4 release isnā€™t working.

I can confirm thisā€¦they simply havenā€™t changed the manual. Both versions have the same manual, but a different bevahiour.

Anyone with this device: please update the database accordingly.

I do have this device, but I donā€™t have the old device to compare. But mostly my lack of knowledge is blocking me. If someone is willing to take me by the hand I can execute the necessary steps.

Thatā€™s how to update the database, but how do I gather the data I need? Where do get which config parameter is what? How do I test this locally? I am really missing the basics. And the URL is helping but not that much.

From your manual.

The problem is that the product is delivered with the old incorrect manual. Is there an alternative way? Except trial and error?