Nest Binding - API Return Code

You can monitor the JSON updates the binding receives from Nest by setting the log level to debug in the Console with:

log:set debug

That adds the following to org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg:

log4j2.logger.org_openhab_binding_nest_internal_rest_neststreamingrestclient.level = DEBUG =

Maybe we can make some sense of it when the logging shows:

  • when the framework logs the “predicted to become” messages
  • when the commands (PUT) are sent to Nest
  • when the Nest API responds with an error
  • when and what Nest JSON updates are received
  • when the framework updates the channel values based on the binding state updates (based on the JSON updates received from Nest)

Thanks. I turned it on last night. No API errors yet, of course!


P.S. I just hope that the extra lag introduced by the verbosity of the NestStreamingRestClient doesn’t end up being the “breather” the updates need to actually complete before my code checks for the match. In other words, Heisenberg issues :grin:

P.P.S. I don’t know openHAB internals well enough to know what these parts ought to be

you know, the particulars ...handler.NestBridgeHandler or

Now I can sort of infer from the fact that you mentioned the REST client (NestStreamingRestClient)… but only after seeing my first one :wink:


The situation occurred last night. I have uploaded a spreadsheet with the extended log output for a complete setpoint updating “transaction”. I have sent you the link via PM.

Please note that the “delay counter” counts down from 12 every 250ms. The “match” logic is in the Lambda I posted earlier in this topic.

