Network UPS Tools Binding

Hi all!!

I have a Tecnoware Ups that don’t have an IP address.
I have connected the ups to raspberry (USB) and I want configure all on Paper UI.

When I configure Network UPS Tool, ask me UPS server host or ip-address, UPS server username to login and UPS server password to login but I don’t have it…

who can help me configure my ups?

NUT is a separate service you need to run on the machine where the UPS is plugged in. The binding needs the host and username and password for the NUT server.

Ok… can you help me to configure it?

For installing the Network UPS Tools (NUT) software see the website of that product:

For configuration of the binding in openHAB it’s possible to set username and password in the binding, but I’m under the impression it’s actually not needed. The username/password is only needed when sending commands to the NUT sever. However the binding doesn’t support sending commands. As far as I have seen reading data from the NUT server doesn’t require username/password access. So it is probably sufficient to set the IP address. But you first need to setup the NUT server software.

Can you help me?

NUT isn’t openHAB. We are not NUT experts here. You need to search Google for tutorials on how to set it up with your make and model UPS device or ask on a NUT dedicated forum.

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