New binding for 1Wire, FHT and Evo Home radio signals

Hi Arne,

thanks for the help. I get now the measured temp values from my FHT80b devices.

Thanls also for the latest version.
I installed it.
After I installed the binding I resume the binding but there are only read timeouts. Also I tried to pause, unplug the CUL, plug the CUL again in and start the binding again. But there are only read timeouts. It seems that the CUL is not reacting on the Iinitialization after the X61 command. Only if I activate the stick within a screen session it will work. (i only type X61 within the screen session and wait for the first message of the FHT devices)

What do you exactly mean with the com logging? I activated the option “Log Serial Port Data”
Do you mean the CUL_SpswBridgeHandler file? Or another log file? If so: How can I activate and get it?

About the cronPattern: I tried 0 15 13 ? * MON *, but in the log file appears then an error message. But Cron Pattern itself is working (the CUL pings the FHT80B device at the given time)

[ERROR]  [d.i.e.f.h.RadiatorFht80bHandler     ] - handleConfigurationUpdate called: cronPatternDevicePing = 0 15 13 ? * MON *

See attached the CUL_SpswBridgeHandler for the communication with read timeouts (witgout activating the stick within a screen session:

@2024-01-08T20:36:17.296905026Z SP      call opend:     "/dev/ttyUSB0" (speed=9600 bps, dataBits=DB_8, stopBits=1 sb, partity=NONE, flowControl=[])
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.297530193Z SP      call setSpeed:  38400 bps
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.299615489Z SP      return setSpeed
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.299854675Z SP      call setDataBits:       DB_8
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.302092878Z SP      return setDataBits
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.302233656Z SP      call setParity: NONE
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.304557730Z SP      return setParity
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.304649138Z SP      call setStopBits:       1 sb
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.307057008Z SP      return setStopBits
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.307145489Z SP      call setFlowControl:    []
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.309596526Z SP      return setFlowControl
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.309708638Z SP      call setTimeouts:       (interByteReadTimeout=100, overallReadTimeout=60000, overallWriteTimeout=1000)
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.309873286Z SP      return setTimeouts
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.310510434Z CH      call write:     ""
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.310482934Z @2024-01-08T20:36:17.310713267Z CH      returnCH        call read
 write  duration: PT0.000202833S
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.311224915Z CH      call write:     "X61\r\n"
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.311468101Z CH      return write    duration: PT0.000243186S
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.411898082Z CH      call write:     "T011101\r\n"
@2024-01-08T20:36:17.412322415Z CH      return write    duration: PT0.000424333S
@2024-01-08T20:37:17.316501380Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.006018446S
@2024-01-08T20:37:17.317666713Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:38:17.378171122Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.060504409S
@2024-01-08T20:38:17.378747696Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:39:17.435861919Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.057114223S
@2024-01-08T20:39:17.436717882Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:40:17.497378143Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.060660261S
@2024-01-08T20:40:17.498318624Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:41:17.544189866Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.045871242S
@2024-01-08T20:41:17.545119607Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:42:17.597487182Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.052367575S
@2024-01-08T20:42:17.598480793Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:43:17.655873128Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.057392335S
@2024-01-08T20:43:17.656729906Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:44:17.703010425Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.046280519S
@2024-01-08T20:44:17.703472481Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:45:17.761906667Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.058434186S
@2024-01-08T20:45:17.762368390Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:46:17.807593187Z CH      return read-timeout: buff.position=0, buff.remaining=64 "       duration: PT1M0.045224797S
@2024-01-08T20:46:17.808073483Z CH      call read

See also attached the communication after I activated the stick within a screen session (I only type in the X61 command within the screen session. After that I resume the bridge ):

2024-01-08T20:56:32.339549654Z SP      call opend:     "/dev/ttyUSB0" (speed=38400 bps, dataBits=DB_8, stopBits=1 sb, partity=NONE, flowControl=[])
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.340465599Z SP      call setSpeed:  38400 bps
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.341450432Z SP      return setSpeed
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.341705710Z SP      call setDataBits:       DB_8
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.344009321Z SP      return setDataBits
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.344494284Z SP      call setParity: NONE
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.346545024Z SP      return setParity
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.346894302Z SP      call setStopBits:       1 sb
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.348981969Z SP      return setStopBits
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.349297487Z SP      call setFlowControl:    []
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.351510339Z SP      return setFlowControl
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.351854099Z SP      call setTimeouts:       (interByteReadTimeout=100, overallReadTimeout=60000, overallWriteTimeout=1000)
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.352256024Z SP      return setTimeouts
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.353694413Z CH      call write:     ""
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.354083784Z CH      return write    duration: PT0.000389371S
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.354911006Z CH      call write:     "X61\r\n"
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.355524302Z CH      return write    duration: PT0.000613296S
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.355813395Z CH      call read
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.456344024Z CH      call write:     "T011101\r\n"
@2024-01-08T20:56:32.456743895Z CH      return write    duration: PT0.000399871S
@2024-01-08T20:56:39.716797965Z CH      return read:    "T1E6000A000FC\r\n"     duration: PT7.36098457S
@2024-01-08T20:56:39.718117279Z ExR     "FHT Message: {protocol : FHT, housecode : 3096, command : VALVE, description : 0xa0, mode : END_OF_SYNC_SEQUENCE, repeated : true, position : 0.0, allowLowBatteryBeep : false}, signal strength: ->
@2024-01-08T20:56:39.721888390Z CH      call read