New Binding for Caddx alarm panels [NX584, NX8e, ...]

Hoping @jossuar ossuar will be able to help as I have now made progress and have my system working for informational purpoases but would liek to be able to send commands to the panel - which I am having no success with.

I have set a rule as follows:

rule "Chime when STAY Pressed"
    Item Partition1_Stay  received command ON
if (Partition1_ReadyToArm.state == ON) {
    logWarn("actions", "Ready to ARM is ON")
else {
    val actions = getActions("caddx","caddx:zone:thebridge:partition1")
    if (null === actions) {
        logWarn("actions", "Actions not found, check thing ID for bridge")
    logWarn("actions", "Ready to ARM is ON")


caddx.things as folows:

Bridge caddx:bridge:thebridge  "Bridge"                   [ protocol="Ascii", serialPort="COM1", baudrate=9600 ] {
    Thing partition partition1 "Main House Alarm"         [ partitionNumber=1 ]
    Thing zone      zone1      "MAG Front Door 01"        [ zoneNumber=1 ]
    Thing zone      zone2      "MAG Kitchen Door 02"      [ zoneNumber=2 ]
    Thing zone      zone3      "PIR Kitchen 03"           [ zoneNumber=3 ]
    Thing zone      zone4      "PIR Lounge 04"            [ zoneNumber=4 ]
    Thing zone      zone5      "PIR Garage 05"            [ zoneNumber=5 ]
    Thing zone      zone6      "PIR Main Bedroom 06"      [ zoneNumber=6 ]
    Thing zone      zone17     "PIR Dining Room 17"       [ zoneNumber=17 ]
    Thing zone      zone23     "PIR Passage 23"           [ zoneNumber=23 ]

caddx.items as follows:

Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSED)  MotionSensors1   "Motion Sensors [%s]"   <motion>
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSED)  Windows1         "Doors [%s]"            <door>

Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSED)  MotionSensors2   "Motion Sensors [%s]"   <motion>
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSED)  Windows2         "Doors [%s]"            <door>

Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSED)  MotionSensors3   "Motion Sensors [%s]"   <motion>
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSED)  Windows3         "Doors [%s]"            <door>

Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSED)  MotionSensors4   "Motion Sensors [%s]"   <motion>
Group:Contact:OR(OPEN,CLOSED)  Windows4         "Doors [%s]"            <door>

Contact   MAG_Front_Door_01     "MAG Front Door 01 [%s]"	<door>       (Windows1)  	{ channel="caddx:zone:thebridge:zone1:zone_faulted" }
Contact   MAG_Kitchen_Door_02   "MAG Kitchen Door 02 [%s]"      <door>       (Windows1)          { channel="caddx:zone:thebridge:zone2:zone_faulted" }
Contact   PIR_Kitchen_03        "PIR Kitchen 03 [%s]"           <motion>       (MotionSensors1)  { channel="caddx:zone:thebridge:zone3:zone_faulted" }
Contact   PIR_Lounge_04         "PIR Lounge 04 [%s]"            <motion>       (MotionSensors1)  { channel="caddx:zone:thebridge:zone4:zone_faulted" }
Contact   PIR_Garage_05         "PIR Garage 05 [%s]"            <motion>       (MotionSensors1)  { channel="caddx:zone:thebridge:zone5:zone_faulted" }
Contact   PIR_Main_Bedroom_06   "PIR Main Bedroom 06 [%s]"      <motion>       (MotionSensors1)  { channel="caddx:zone:thebridge:zone6:zone_faulted" }
Contact   PIR_Diningroom_17     "PIR Diningroom 17 [%s]"        <motion>       (MotionSensors1)  { channel="caddx:zone:thebridge:zone17:zone_faulted" }
Contact   PIR_Passage_23        "PIR Passage 23 [%s]"           <motion>       (MotionSensors1)  { channel="caddx:zone:thebridge:zone23:zone_faulted" }

Switch    Partition1_Armed      "Armed [%s]"            <house>   { channel="caddx:partition:thebridge:partition1:partition_armed" }
Switch    Partition1_EntryGuard "Entry Guard [%s]"      <house>   { channel="caddx:partition:thebridge:partition1:partition_entryguard" }
Switch    Partition1_ReadyToArm "Ready to Arm [%s]"     <house>   { channel="caddx:partition:thebridge:partition1:partition_ready_to_arm" }
Switch    Partition1_PreviousAlarm "Previous Alarm [%s]"     <house>   { channel="caddx:partition:thebridge:partition1:partition_partition_previous_alarm" }
Switch    Partition1_Stay       "Arm is STAY [%s]"      <house>   { autoupdate="false" }

and .sitemap:

sitemap alarm label="Alarm at 59" {
    Frame label="Main House" {
    Text item=Partition1_Armed
    Text item=Partition1_EntryGuard
    Text item=Partition1_ReadyToArm
//    Text item=Partition1_PreviousAlarm
//    Switch item=Partition1_Armed
//    Switch item=Partition1_EntryGuard
     Switch item=Partition1_Stay mappings=[ON="STAY"]

    Text item=MotionSensors1
        Text label="Motion Sensors (detailed)" {
            Text item=PIR_Kitchen_03
            Text item=PIR_Lounge_04
            Text item=PIR_Garage_05
	    Text item=PIR_Main_Bedroom_06
	    Text item=PIR_Diningroom_17
	    Text item=PIR_Passage_23

    Text item=Windows1
        Text label="Windows (detailed)" {
            Text item=MAG_Front_Door_01
            Text item=MAG_Kitchen_Door_02

I am however now able to get the rule to send any command to the panel as the getActions() returns NULL

2020-09-16 17:21:22.621 [WARN ] [lipse.smarthome.model.script.actions] - Actions not found, check thing ID for bridge

I assume this is because I am using the incorrect thing?

Tried to follow the examples at however the rule examaple does not tie in with the .things and .items in the article.

Would appreciate any guidance as to what I am doing wrong and hwo I go about sending commands such as stay(), exit(), disarm(String pin) to a specific partition.

Many Thanks