New binding for XBee device

Hi, I want to develop a new binding for my XBee devices ad OH2. I have followed the wiki and I have created a new binding in eclipse.
The Java library that I want to integrated in OH2 is here:

Following the guide, I have in the handler:

    public void initialize() {
        // TODO: Initialize the thing. If done set status to ONLINE to indicate proper working.
        // Long running initialization should be done asynchronously in background.
        String PORT = "COM1";
        int BAUD_RATE = 9600;
        XBeeDevice myDevice = new XBeeDevice(PORT, BAUD_RATE);

public class MyDataReceiveListener implements IDataReceiveListener {
	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.listeners.IDataReceiveListener#dataReceived(com.digi.xbee.api.models.XBeeMessage)
	public void dataReceived(XBeeMessage xbeeMessage) {
		System.out.format("From %s >> %s | %s%n", xbeeMessage.getDevice().get64BitAddress(), 
				new String(xbeeMessage.getData()));

Now, where i can put the code to receive the command from XBee device? In the initialize function?

try {

            myDevice.addDataListener(new MyDataReceiveListener());

            System.out.println("\n>> Waiting for data...");

        } catch (XBeeException e) {

Every things created should have almost two param: The address of XBee from where receive command and the Pin number (the value to assign to the thing). Address and pin number/value are in the data packet received. When data is received, I have to assign the value to the correct item.

Can you help me in the development?

Ok, It’s what I have done after some trouble:

public void initialize() {
        // TODO: Initialize the thing. If done set status to ONLINE to indicate proper working.
        // Long running initialization should be done asynchronously in background.
        String PORT = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
        int BAUD_RATE = 9600;
        XBeeDevice localDevice = new XBeeDevice(PORT, BAUD_RATE);

        Timer readDIOTimer = new Timer();

        try {

            // Obtain the remote XBee device from the XBee network.
            XBeeNetwork xbeeNetwork = localDevice.getNetwork();
            RemoteXBeeDevice remoteDevice = xbeeNetwork.discoverDevice(REMOTE_NODE_IDENTIFIER);
            if (remoteDevice == null) {
                        "Couldn't find the remote XBee device with '" + REMOTE_NODE_IDENTIFIER + "' Node Identifier.");

            remoteDevice.setIOConfiguration(IOLINE_IN, IOMode.DIGITAL_IN);
            localDevice.setIOConfiguration(IOLINE_OUT, IOMode.DIGITAL_OUT_LOW);
            readDIOTimer.schedule(new UpdateOutputTask(localDevice, remoteDevice), 0, 250);

        } catch (XBeeException e) {

        // Note: When initialization can NOT be done set the status with more details for further
        // analysis. See also class ThingStatusDetail for all available status details.
        // Add a description to give user information to understand why thing does not work
        // as expected. E.g.
        // updateStatus(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.CONFIGURATION_ERROR,
        // "Can not access device as username and/or password are invalid");

    private static class UpdateOutputTask extends TimerTask {
        private XBeeDevice localDevice;
        private RemoteXBeeDevice remoteDevice;

        public UpdateOutputTask(XBeeDevice local, RemoteXBeeDevice remote) {
            this.localDevice = local;
            this.remoteDevice = remote;

        public void run() {
            try {
                // Read the digital value from the remote input line.
                IOValue value = remoteDevice.getDIOValue(IOLINE_IN);
                logger.error(IOLINE_IN + ": " + value);

                // Set the previous value to the local output line.
                localDevice.setDIOValue(IOLINE_OUT, value);
            } catch (XBeeException e) {

In the inizialise() function, I can get the value from a specific pin of a specific device, identified by name "XBEE_B"

  • How can I define a thing (string and switch type), that can accept two param (Name and pin number)?
  • How can I update his value when i receive a data from device?

Thanks a lot!

You might find additional documentation and help for this sort of thing on the Eclipse SmartHome forums.

Maybe you can try this :