New binding Resol VBUS

ok, but this sounds like a feature request to set the values to undef as soon as the connection to either the bridge gets unavailable or there is no now frame on the bus for some time…
I have also a VBUS/LAN adapter connected over a bad WIFI channel, where this could be helpful, so let’s put an issue on github.. I cannot promise to work on that soon but maybe someone else is willing to contribute?


Hello, @ [yphyph01]
have you found a way that the requests are made only every 5 minutes ?

Currently the binding updates the items whenever the controller pushes a frame onto the vbus. Beside what is necessary to program and use this binding I don’t know a lot about openhab, so I cannot say a lot about the mechanisms there. Anyhow I believe it is technically not the right thing to reduce the update rate in the binding (even though it COULD be done there). If you want to store data only every 5 minutes you should configure the persistence service accordingly. If you want rules to be evaluated only every 5 minutes do it there… What is your use case and why do you care to have “too many” update?

Edit: Note: there are no “requests” to the resol controller, the data is just pushed into openhab whenever the resol controller transmitted a frame with the data.

Ok, now I understand, it just just passes on what comes from RESOL.
I’m just too much data, in the log and the console I see only Resol and important things go under.:Denken:
With the old binding for Openhab 1 there was a belief, but how to implement that now at OH2, I do not know.

ok, for the logs we can improve, I have just put some things to some loglevel, if not useful file that, I am completely open to other suggestions. And of cause you can change the loglevel for the resol binding in your openhab config to reduce as a short hand workaround.

Hi @dwippermann,
Thank you very much for your effort and contribution to this. I am using latest firmware 1.1.2 on module KM2, and I confirm that the problem still exists.
So if you wan’t to use WiFi connection only you must disable static ip and switch to DHCP followed by a restart. This is not really optimal, because after a restart another ip address might be assigned and my openHAB Thing would not work unless the ip address is adjusted in paperUI.

@EjvindHald in all routers I know it is possible to configre the DHCP server to assign always the same IP address to a specific device. Maybe this is worth a try as a workaround…

Hi I’ve just upgraded Openhab and I noticed the Resol binding needs reinstalling each time you do an upgrade? I have installed through the market place so just wondering why this happens.


I also have this behaviour. Somehow it’s a standard behaviour for market place addons.
Did the binding work with the update? I updated to 2.5.2. I get all the things, but I do not get any more values.
In the log it get this error

Handler ResolThingHandler tried updating the thing status although the handler was already disposed.

Does it work for you?

Everything works fine after the update and reinstall. I have several market place add ons and this is the only one that needs to be reinstalled. May be easier to put the jar in the add ons folder.

I also have tried updating, but as it did not work out of the box - and for me the Resol binding is essential I just downgraded again. I have to look into this, but with openhab development it is a nightmare. Whenever I touch it after some weeks of not working on it it fails because there was significant change in the build process or whatever. For me as a seldom contributor the environment is just too volatile to keep on track.

I plan to submit the resol binding officially as PR into the main distro but I wanted to work on a smaller, simpler one first and even there it is hard… I try to put focus on it again soon.


Thanks very much for all this. Just arrived here a few days ago.
After many tries (more for OpenHab than the connection to Deltasol). I have a DL3+BX plus displaying temperatures in the Dashboard.

Would it be possible to generate charts with these temperatures ? how?
And is it possible to interact with the relays of the DeltaSol ? (this would be really nice).


Firstly a warm welcome in the openhab community! For Charts you need to setup persistance. And for advanced ones additionally grafana. The relays are not yet controllable with the plugin and I am not sure about the beat way to do that. And currently this is not on my personal priority list, we should first try to get it merged with the existing features I’d say. For sure I’d be more than happy to support anybody who’d like to help out here!

Thanks very much for your quick guidance.

after some tries and crashes. i’m able to see a nice graphic. I’ve used InfluxDB and Grafana from the openHabian.
My only problem left is that it is working when the influxdb.persist file is configured as below:

* : strategy = everyChange, restoreOnStartup

i would like to store the Temperatures on everyMinutes and the Relay on everyChange. Please would you know where i can find the names to use in the persist file ?
Here is an example of the name in PaperUI

Temperature sensor 1


Concerning helping each other… i’m a developper however just a beginner concernning Linux/Domitic/Java …
my cup of tea is more around VB.Net, ASP.Net, DOS, SQL Server, let’s say Microsoft oriented !
Maybe i can help with html, xml, css ? or if you need to test anything with my configuration of Resol ?

It was working nicely … now i have this error appearing after a few hours
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==

2020-05-28 22:59:46.957 [INFO ] [ing.resol.handler.ResolBridgeHandler] - Cannot establish connection to (-ERROR: Too many connections active, quitting…)

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==

2020-05-28 22:59:46.963 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘resol:vbuslan:xxxx’ changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): TCP Connection problem to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): -ERROR: Too many connections active, quitting…

2020-05-28 22:59:47.162 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘resol:vbuslan:xxxx’ changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): -ERROR: Too many connections active, quitting… to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): TCP Connection problem

Would it be possible to communicate temperatures only if there is a change of 1 degree at least. Reducing the accuracy by obmitting decimals ?


You have to add the items name to the persistence file:

    DeltasolTemp1 : strategy = everyMinute, restoreOnStartup
    DeltasolTemp2 : strategy = everyMinute, restoreOnStartup
    DeltasolTemp3 : strategy = everyMinute, restoreOnStartup
    DeltasolTemp4 : strategy = everyMinute, restoreOnStartup
    DeltasolRelais1 : strategy = everyMinute, restoreOnStartup

I have four sensors and one relais / pump.
For me it is enough to store in 1min. intervals.

VBUS in general allows 1 connection at the same time only.
You have seemingly a second connection started.

Thanks very much.
I was able to find the exact name of my items in the log here

Concerning the persistence. i’m still convince of the strategy everyChange + value without decimal. this would have the advantages of:

  • storing only integer (saving space in the database)
  • it would reduce the number of values than every minutes on overall on the day
  • it would produce nicer charts :wink:

This rounding could be easily done at the Binding level i think ? maybe by letting the choice to the user to choose between decimal or integer. Or by having a parameter of the number of decimals requested (0 to 9).
It would also prevent this type of change:
2020-06-03 05:50:11.866 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - resol_device_xxxx_DeltaSol_BX_Plus_Controller_Temperature_sensor_1 changed from 18.3 to 18.400000000000002

I’m doupting if everyChange is a good idea.
This would flood the database and take too much resources as the values changing always within 1 or 2 seconds.
At least on my Rpi this would mean a high load.

For me 1 decimal is fine, so I can see a trend on the diagramms.
I would prefer to have the intervals adjustable as at the moment the log is spammed too much for me.

But at first we should thank @ramack to provide this binding and he hopefully will get it into the official OH branch :slightly_smiling_face:

Christian, I think we are meaning the same thing.

intervals adjustable so let’s say 1 minutes
decimal adjustable so let’s say 1 decimal (for me i would prefer 0 decimal)

and the possibility to combine both in the persist file:
10:10 sensor1 = 27.1 °C -> save in db
10:11 sensor1 = 27.3 °C -> save in db
10:12 sensor1 = 27.3 °C -> don’t save

And yes i fully agree for the big thank to Ramack which make the binding to Resol controler really easy (i’ve tested 2 others domotic systems before openHab without success).

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