New Elero TransmitterStick Binding

Yes, when suddenly the shutters were not moving anymore (after openhabcloud setup) I thought I delete the binding + the items and install it from the beginning. That was the moment where the chanells 1-15 were not listed anymore in Paper UI.

I just received completely new channel IDs. Nothing logic which corresponds to the number of the shutter on the stick.

In the screenshot you can see that the stick is online, but the test channel I created is not working and stays on unitialized.

??? :slight_smile:

Unless you updated to the last version from yesterday, the only way to get a working channel is through discovery. If you have created the channel yourself with an older version, you could not specify the channel id for the channel and it is never going to work.

Hi Volker,
that was the missing part. :slight_smile:
I didnÂŽt know that manual bindings do not work (or at least channels cannot be defined manually). When I changed Paper UI to simple mode, the channels were shown and the binding worked again.

Many thanks!!!

Hi Volker,

I have two elero Transmitter Sticks, because I have more than 15 shutters. It seems like the binding does not support multiple sticks. When I search for new things I find these. But if I want to control the device on channel 1 of one stick, then both devices of channel 1 (device of channel 1 -> Stick1 and device of channel1 -> Stick2) react.

What version of the binding did you install? On Oct 14th I have commited a change that makes the bridge id part of the thing id. This should effectively fix the problem that you mentioned.

A rollershutter id should now look like


The 01a9d7b2 is the last part of the id of the stick:


Do your ids look like this? Do the channels ids of your two channel things for channel 1 have the two different stick ids in them?

I have the latest version. But I found the problem. Openhab has created the linked items for the channels with the same id for all channels. I fixed it and now it works. I clicked “create new item” for a channel. Here, all items are created with the same ID. Now I clicked (_createNew) and it works. Very strange.

Thank you!

So the discovery has created the items with the wrong id?

Edit: I have misread your post. Discovery worked and things have been created with the correct IDs, but items created via paper ui were not linked to the correct things. Is that what you meant?

I created items for channels of the things. All status items got the same id and the same for all control items. So all shutters are linked to the same item. The problem is PaperUI.

In the overview page of things you can link items to channels. In the dropdown you have several options. You can link existing ones or you can create a new one. For creating a new one there are two options: “create new item” and “(_createNew)”. I used “create new item” and got the same item for all things. By using this option PaperUI shows a dialogue that doesn’t display the id of the item. The other option ("_createNew") works. There, a detailed dialogue including all attributes of the item is displayed. There, you also can edit the attributes.

Lastly I have a question. I understood the binding only supports the commands UP, STOP and DOWN. It is not possible to move a shutter to intermediate and ventilation positions. Right?
If so, can you please add commands for these two positions? I created a rule to move down all shutters at sunset. But I want to move some shutters to ventilation position.

Take a look at the Readme.


I can’t import the binding into my Openhab 2.2 installation. The transport serial feature is installed.

2017-11-29 13:24:15.805 [WARN ] [org.apache.felix.fileinstall ] - Error while starting bundle: file:/usr/share/openhab2/addons/org.openhab.binding.elerotransmitterstick-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.elerotransmitterstick [231]
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.apache.commons.codec.binary
at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.start( [?:?]
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.start( [?:?]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.startBundle( [8:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.5.8]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.startBundles( [8:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.5.8]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.doProcess( [8:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.5.8]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.process( [8:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.5.8]
at [8:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.5.8]

I have not changed anything since you installed it the last time. What have you changed?

Check if you have the commons codec bundle installed by entering

bundle:list |grep Codec

in the karaf console.

Nope, is not installed. How can I install it?

As a test, I have added the commons codec library to my plugin. Try to install the version from here:

It works. Thanks!

Where can I find the elero transmitterstick binding now?

Ok there is a link on top, I found it, sorry for stupid asking.

Hi guys, any progress with the “official” Openhab installation?
Is the plugin working nevertheless?

I wouldn’t want to buy the stick just to find out it doesn’t work properly, since it’s quite expensive :frowning:


I’m using this plugin since about one year and it works like a charm.
The elero stick is attached to an raspberry pi running openhabian.


That’s awesome. I’m on Home Assistant though, but I would setup Openhab PI with the stick just for this. Then use MQTT to send info to Home Assistant.

Hopefully it will work.

It’s a shame none did anything similar for Home Assistant, I would personally even buy the component if it was available :slight_smile:

Hi all, I am a complete new beginner with OpenHAB (started last weekend, comming from FHEM).

But I already got my Elero stick running! And it is working excellent on my RaspberryPi (OpenHABian).

Thank you so much for spending the effort in writing and providing this add-on. :smile:

I am using it with 13 Elero shutters and even my quite big group I defined for all of them is working great.

Up to now I only tried it out with the commands “up / stop / down” which are there by default. In the next days I’ll try also to go on also with addressing the tilt and intermediate positions (as me as a beginner have seen it is not available by default, right?), hope I find it out how this can be done. And then I want to go on with creating good overviews, 
 I am just starting with OpenHAB, so it could take more time. :slight_smile:

As far as I know the Elero transmitter stick is not supported by many Home Automation systems up to now (as far as I know only FHEM and OpenHAB and the one first version in Home Assistent); Elero is supported without this stick also by Mediola). So I am sure for a lot of users having Elero shutters installed are very happy with this add-on and I hope, it will become an offical add-on in future! :slight_smile:

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