New Netatmo binding (starting OH 3.3 M5)

You have an example for home + camera in documentation, but not for energy stuff. You can also find the thing UIDs and the things hierarchy by looking at the things created with UI.

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Could you please add the possibility to change the intensity of the floodlight?
Thank you.

Just a hint for everybody: this morning the binding was not working very well even after a OH reboot, I discovered that my things were sometimes OFFLINE and it was apparently due to the camera ping done by the binding which was time out. This leads to things going OFFLINE and warning logs about missing access token. I had the judicious idea to reboot the camera and now everything is well again.

Does the following notify in my mailbox this morning has impact on my openhab??

Netatmo API Security Update
Dear Netatmo developer,
To improve the security of our products, we inform you that the Client Credentials grant type method will be completely removed. It will no longer be possible to authenticate with the username and password of the user.

The effective date of this update is October 2022.

How can you authenticate with Netatmo API ?
From this date, the OAuth2 authorization code flow must be followed for authentication.

This new way to authenticate is already part of the current binding in OH 3.3, thanks to @glhopital

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Maybe I’m overlooking something (already searched this thread & forum) but I do seem to have an issue with the “Setpoint End” channel of a room for a Netatmo Thermostat device.
I DID read this is a read only channel but I’m wondering why because via the Netatmo API you can update this and the examples in the instructions via an action of a rule also mentions you can update it (but doesn’t work either)

I can update all other Channels fine (like Setpoint, Thermostat Mode etc. ) but when I want to update “Setpoint End” (when you change a setpoint and want to revert it back to the previous setting after a defined time) it doesn’t seem to pick it up.

I have entered it in Unix Seconds (eg. 1659699085) like the instructions tell me to do so, I also tried to enter a date like 2022-08-05T16:08:00 but it doesn’t seem to send it correctly to Netatmo either.

I’ve tried this via NodeRed (with the OpenHab node) & via Rules in OpenHab itself.
I’m running OpenHab Release 3.3

Am I missing something here or might there be an issue with this channel or is there a reason why this is mentioned as read-only in the instructions ?

The setpoint end channel is read only because it depends upon either your schedule, either last hand modified setpoint+ setpoint modification duration

thx for the answer,

Via the API on (/setroomthermpoint) I can use the endtime as parameter to fill in and it will accept it and works fine, can’t we have a channel in the OpenHab plugin to do something similar ?

Good evening,

many thanks for the new binding!

I migrated from the old binding and everything is working - with one exception:
could it be that the Humidity Value of the Healthy Home Coach is now given as a percentage but incorrectly multiplied by 100? Which leads to incorrect plots and representations. I first thought it was a problem of semantic tags, or units, but it does not seem to be. I can supply the details if this obvious ignorance on my side
 or I simply missed a discussion on this.

I’d be good to note (in the documentation) that for those people that still work on a text-based configuration, the only way to find out the ‘refreshToken’ (after following the authentication process described on the binding documentation page referenced above/below) is to log into the OpenHAB web interface as ‘admin’, go to the ‘thing’ page of the ‘Netatmo Account’ and get it from the WebUI. there seems to be no way to get it from anywhere else (e.g. logfiles, etc). works for me now (previously was getting “Unexpected error deserializing '{“error”:“invalid_grant”}” errors all the time - even when self-generating the token on netatmo’s webpage and inserting them into the text config file. cheers

I also noticing an odd behaviour of this new netatmo binding :thinking:. I am using OpenHAB in a Docker container and configuring it via the Web UI. I follow the documentation and get it running after authorization.
But if I restart the docker container the Binding stays offline :slightly_frowning_face:. I have to delete the Refresh token and make the autorization again to get it online and running again. Has anyone else the same issue or any idea how to solve it?
Thank you and best regards

This does not seem to be a problem related to docker setups. I also have this running in docker but without any of the mentioned problems.

Does anyone else experience the following:

Upon OH restarts and when the outdoor camera reconnects after a disconnect the floodlight state is for whatever reasons set to ON.

My neighbours reported to me that the light is on through the night when I was on vacation so I just made a simple rule that turns the light OFF whenever it gets turned ON.

The weird thing is that I can see in the events log that the floodlight receives an ON command and I have no idea were this would come from!? I don’t have any rules that set this to ON, only AUTO or OFF.

Oh well
 my fault
 Just checked my script AGAIN and realised that I accidentally send ON to the floodlight and AUTO to the monitoring status instead of the other way round like intended :face_with_peeking_eye:

I have the same issue, always need to delete the refresh token and then re-authorize after a restart of my Raspberry.

My setup is on a Raspberry via OpenHabian (so no docker)

Is your thing defined in a file? If it is, did you update the token parameter you got when you authenticated?

Hi, I don’t use files for neither of my devices, all are auto discovered

No other idea on my side, sorry


After a dry summer here in Switzerland we have a really wet September :slight_smile:. Netatmo page says 164.8mm of rain:


In openHAB it has stopped yesterday at level 150mm but it is still raining:

This is the channel I have configured in Thing:

Could it be that this is a bug or limitation in Binding?

Can someone check?

Thanks & BR


I just re-added my NetAtmo Bridge and authorization worked and the Bridge is online. But when I try to discover new devices nothing happens but in the log I found the following error:

Error during discovery process : Rest call failed: statusCode=OPERATION_FORBIDDEN, message=Application does not have the good scope rights

I tried to create a new token in the App but now I get errors on the devices:
Error retrieving weather data ‘70:ee:50:16:15:92’ : Rest call failed: statusCode=INVALID_TOKEN_MISSING, message=Invalid access token

Where is the access_token stored that I need to update or do I have to change the refreshtoken in the bridge with the new one?

@michaeljoos : I see you got no answer to your question about quantity of rain. Any idea @glhopital ? Could it be because we don’t use the same time frame ?
Does the app consider the current day of the last 24 hours ?