I don’t get the exact use case, that “unlatching == 7” should trigger the light, but this is not reported in the callback - by design from Nuki (see here: HTTP API callback and the unlatched state). So you have to work around that.
You can only combine it Nuki-only with LockStates which are permanent, as those are reported by the Nuki API. You could of course use other triggers like geofencing/motion detectors/… to trigger your light in combination with Nuki-LockStates - but not with “non-permanent” LockStates…
another way to goal would be to trigger a rule by an successful ring-to-open by the opener, which is also available. but also there it seems that there is no way to get the temporary state
Thanks for your input. So basically it doesn’t make a difference price-wise to buy the regular variant + bridge or the Pro variant the way I see it, right?
Look here - Nuki 3.0 Pro - Questions - Nuki Developers . Seems like the wifi in pro version is for cloud connection only and won’t (at least at the beginning) provide local http api, so you would still need bridge.
I have the new Nuki lock v3.0. That one has a new device ID, IDs 3 and 4. Thus it will not work properly with the current binding. But the binding just has to recognize these two new IDs, very easy to add.
Could someone please look into this?
I’ll look into it. In the meantime you could try adding the lock manually using its IP address instead of discovery, that should theoretically work fine (although /lock and /lockAction expect deviceType as a parameter, not sure what happens if it does not match).
I’ve created updated binding version with smart door/smartlock 3 support, you can get it here - https://github.com/janvyb/files/raw/main/org.openhab.binding.nuki-3.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. Uninstall current nuki binding and drop this into addos folder. I can’t test this properly myself since I don’t own smartlock 3.0, so let me know if it works and I’ll create new PR later.
No, to use nuki with openhab you need Nuki Bridge (which works with all Nuki versions). As far as I know the pro version does not provide local HTTP API like the bridge does.