Niko Home Control Rollershutters

I have a Niko Home Control II set.
I would like to change some buttons color in Habpanel depending on rollershutters status but I can’t get the status value.
In the paperui control page, I can see command percentage but if I do something and then press stop I thaught it would update the percentage but it does not.
Did I miss something ?
Thanks for this amazing job

@Nepomuk3000 It should return the state, although it may not be immediate. The binding receives the state update from Nilo Home Control, and with rollershutters, that may be some time after the command was given.
Is the problem the state update in PaperUI? Don’t rely too much on it. PaperUI is just an admin UI, and is not always accurate on this. Check the events.log if you see the events in there.
You could swith on debug logging (or even trace logging) for the binding. I believe I have some specific trace info in the binding for rollershutters to see exactly what is happening.
What version of openHAB and the binding are you using?

Hi Mark,

The integration is working flowlessly
in openhab the percentages , up and damn completely match with NHC2 using Hobby API.

0 = Closed
100 = open


But when installing homekit on the openhab2.5.x somehow homekit revert the readings from the state and actions.

Do you perhaps know how to revert states towards homekit ?
All revert homekit topics are none NHC2 topics where you manually define things in a .things file.

Here I define the homekit things in paperui and than link the homekit manually defined items to it.

Thanks for your help

I am a bit at a loss here. Niko Home Control has the inverse convention for percentages when it comes to open close than openHAB. Therefore the binding inverts the percentages. That seems to work fine.
I believe Homekit also has the inverse convention form openHAB. I had a quick look at the Homekit code and it does seem to inverse. Therefore the combination should give the right picture. I have no idea where it goes wrong.
In absence of an idea, the only way I can imagine resolving this is with a rule and a virtual item. The virtual item should get the opposite state from the real item through the rule, and be connected to Homekit.


For me I formost use openhab to translate everything to homekit.
what is the invers flag i need to add in things or items in order it to invers it ?

Dont really care if it’s invers in openhab as long as it’s correct in homekit
or could you help me refer to what you mean with the virtual items

(noob in openhab talking )


Have a look here for what I mean: Rollershutter HomeKit Percentage Problem