No device answering anymore in HomeKit after OH3 reboots

Jepp, correct, none of those tasks has been done since the new setup of openhabian. Just restore “/etc/openhab/services/homekit.cfg”, install homekit service …

And I do nothing in PaperUI or so for homekit, I honestly have no idea what and where to do … ?

Can I see or check paired homekit devices/instances in OH?

same here. no idea what could be root cause and how to fix it.
regarding paired devices - only via users in homekit.json. there is no other option to see it

Ok, further investigations …

#/> sudo systemctl stop openhab.service
#/> diff /srv/openhab-userdata/jsondb/home.kit ~openhabian/backup/homekit.json

Merge homekit.json content, means basically restore the saved one (with user entry) and match values for “revision” and “accessory_count” of the now overwritten one.

“revision value” was “8” in running instead of “1” in saved one. “accessory_count” was “44” instead of “40”, I added two Temp/Humid sensors with 2 channels yesterday …

#/> sudo systemctl daemon-reload
#/> sudo systemctl start openhab.service

Surveille running homekit.json for changes or if user entry gets eradicated again. Nope OH3.1.0 does do its magic, starts up perfectly after a couple of minutes, user entry still in running homekit.json.

Check on iPad, HomeKit, all devices are there, answering, but some lost their defined HomeKit rooms … exaktly all “EnOcean” devices, actuators and Temp/Humid sensors.

Ok, easy task to re-define them correctly, but storing the change per entry is slow, takes 10sec or so.

homekit.json still contains user entry … :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok, next try …

#/> sudo systemctl stop openhab.service
#/> sudo openhab-cli clean-cache
#/> diff /srv/openhab-userdata/jsondb/home.kit ~openhabian/backup/homekit.json

homekit,json did not change, so nothing to restore, cool :+1:t2:

#/> sudo systemctl start openhab.service

Again surveille homekit.json for changes or if user entry gets eradicated. But OH does do its magic again, starts up perfectly, keeping user entry in homekit.json.

Next check on iPad, HomeKit, all devices are still there, all kept their HomeKit rooms and also definition being part of HomeKit “Status”, “Favorits” or not.

Let’s see tomorrow, if user entry is still in homekit.json.

So, ongoing work with my OH setup and checked today again homekit.json, user entry has been kept till now, “revison” “value” did change to yesterday, “8” to “10” and again to “12” after I added another Shelly Plug-S …

revision number indicates to iphone that it needs to reload the device lists. basically, iphone only compare the rev number it got last time with the current one and if it is different it will request the complete list of all device.

homekit should actually increase only by 1 after every change of items. but how knows, maybe it was auto-save or so and homekit binding got the notification about changes twice.

one more thing, can you check in karaf console with “list” command that you have only one instance of homekit binding running? we had case when 2 instance of homekit binding were running at the same time.

openhab> list | grep -i home
279 │ Active │  80 │ 3.1.0                 │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: IO :: Homekit

So, still working on my OH setup, incl. OH or even RPi restarts, “homekit.json” with user entry did survive since I restored it back some days. I’m continously checking the file while doing those restarts …

The question to answer seems to me, why does this user entry got eradicated from homekit.json on a certain point in time after activating OH homekit bundle first time and pairing an iOS devices to it also first time. That entry was there for a while, I did proof it, but some hours later it has been gone.

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