Notification/Alarm on Android App?

I would like to know if you could implement an alarm function that gets triggered by items. I think it´s annoying to use a third party app just to get an info on your device when some sensor triggers. It should not be that complicated to add an alarm function I think.

Thank you!

Maybe I don’t get your point, but a notification function is already integrated into my.openhab:

Ok, but is it possible to send this notification:

Example: sendNotification(“your my.openHAB user email here”, “your text here”)

when a sensor sends DOOR OPEN?

How could I combine this??

as far as I understand it, it only notify´s if openhab is online or offline…

Sure, you need a rule for that:

Put a rule in your rules folder, f.e. message.rules

rule "send message" 
        Item <your_item_name> received update OPEN 
    sendNotification("your my.openHAB user email here", "your text here")

Make sure your sensor sends OPEN command and not ON or something else, otherwise it won’t work.
(For testing you could use
Item <your_item_name> received update
then you will get messages when the sensor changes to OPEN or CLOSED)

Awesome, works really fine!! Thanks for this info, didn´t know it would work that easy!!