In Blockly I save “now” to a DateTime-Item. In first view it work’s fine. But then I realized that there is a gap of “one hour” to real time. I checked time in openhab 4.2 and linux time. Everything is fine.
Only if I save “now” to Item(DateTime) I get a difference of one hour. What can I do? Any ideas?
Yes, I would say that I miss timezone-shift of 1 hrs. In Screenshot is this gap of 1 hrs too. Real time is 12:48:25 and NOT 11:48:25 like in screenshot.
My item definition (item created in OpenHab 4.2.0):
Yes, State Description is NOT set. But in your screenshot “Metadata > State Description” look’s different to my screenshot, or? This remembers me to this.
If the Item’s state is correct but it is showing an hour off in the UI, the problem is the timezone setting on the machine running the browser or the timezone setting of the browser itself. The UIs will convert all DateTimes to the timezone reported by the browser.
I checked in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. I can’t find timezone settings. The running machine is fine. Correct time and timezone. But it was a hopeful idea.