NxPanel - Replacement Firmware for Sonoff NSPanel

Is this working correctly? I used above channel and linked it to OH item. OH item state is changed by any button on nspanel. I tried linking to movie button but all buttons control the OH item.

Anything missing in above channel ?

Again, some smaller “bug fixes” in the documentation so version 2.2 is now available: Chapter 7, NSPanel Thing definitions - I forgot to map ON/OFF to 1/2 in the command sent back to NSPanel to update the status light for the switches (PS. haven’t succeeded to actually control the relays - mainly because I will not use them myself, but if anyone knows how to control them, please let me know and I’ll add that into the doc.)

NSPanel - Setup instructions for OpenHAB

@tizen Sorry, can’t help you. Haven’t tried to connect any buttons from the demo-pages to any items myself yet. So far the documentation only covers configuration of the two “physical” buttons on the NSPanel - and this works for me.

What I’ve noticed though is that the demo script is very limited and a quite some code is missing that you need to add yourself to get a working system, especially connecting buttons to items is missing altogether. I will figure this out the upcoming weeks and aim is to document how to make the demo page into an working system. A second, more ambitious aim is to also document a “design flow” - Methodology and steps to build custom panels fitting any need. But don’t expect to much to soon…


Is there a way to put more shotcuts on first screen for quick actions.



What is that command for:

{start: {pid: x, format:x (1-15)}}


Is there any way I can return to main screen if the panel stays idle for some time in other subwindow?

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The media page is great. Is there a way to set the current playing state? I.e. if my media system is already playing, the panel shows the “pause” button initially and also sends the “pause” action.

Hi Mike,

Would it be possible in a forthcoming version, a “letterbox” icon on the warning panel ? I have a sensor attached to my letterbox and I would like to link it with NXpanel. At the moment, I used the notification panel to display a message when someone put something in the letterbox, so there is no urgency.

Thanks in advance

Is there a way to calibrate the temperature sensor?I am getting at least 2 degrees above the real room temperature…

Is it possible to activate the buzzer through MQTT with the same arguments that the buzzer command in Tasmota ?

Eventually, I found how to activate the buzzer through MQTT:

def TOPIC = “cmnd/nspanel_7BB4E0/Buzzer”
def mqtt = actions.get(“mqtt”,“mqtt:broker:da029564bb”)
var json
json = String.format(“2 5”)
mqtt.publishMQTT(TOPIC, json.toString())

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Can anyone share how to configure color item with on on main screen and then Dimmer screen with onoff , color and brightness?

When I configure, it goes in loop.

Is this project still alive ?



Is the HMI file of custom ui available? Wanted to play with the UI part. I feel the first screen should have more buttons to do actions faster.


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I would very appreciate a simple Tutorial how to feed the Screen using MQTT messages only.
I still struggle to get more than the main screen up and running. I don´t use OpenHAB, I use a home controller which can read and send MQTT


Try this

TempOffset can be used for calibrating the measured temperature. This setting affects all temperature sensors on the device

From console page.

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Version 2.4 of the documentation just released!
Some “bug fixes” amended. Key changes are:

  • Control relays on NSPanel (Section NXPanel Thing definition, page 26)
  • Custom Panel Configuration (Chapter 8 - Completely new!)

Happy reading :slight_smile:

NSPanel - Setup instructions for OpenHAB v2.4

nice work alf!!! :slight_smile:

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Thx :blush:, I need some advise/input from you at some point, some stuff is hard to figure out…

Here are my questions to Mike:
But starting of with a feature request: Would appreciate if you could make the “Feels” part of the weather info to a string (I would like to display some other stuff here, but “Feels” seems to be hard coded).

  • Q1: Appreciate if you can you share the graphics for icons 12-16 (to complete my documentation)
  • Q2: Can you control the color of the icons on the buttons? (seems like toggle buttons change from non-colored=OFF, blue=ON, but what about buttons that lead to other panels?
  • Q3: Which panels need “format” in the JSON? My guess/deduction so far is that format are used for button-panels?
  • Q4: Do you have any examples for how the Alarm panels are used (JSON’s back and forth), haven’t found anything about this in the community posts.
  • Q5: Is there a JSON that I can send to get the first page again without swiping (would like to reset to first page if the panel is left on a sub-panel)

Q5 - asked that the same couple of days ago - no answer.