Official Alexa Smart Home Skill for openHAB 2

Hi Dan,

you are right, I modified the Alexa OH Lamda function not the OH Cloud

There are 2 problems with the temperature: the “inside” and the decimals. I
have solved the problem of the decimals by replacing parseInt with a
The problem of the “inside” temperature is not solved.


Jean-Claude Lugeon

I’m confused.

I have openhab2 and use
I also have alexa and I have installed the openhab app and it connects nicely with openhab, yet it does not find any devices.
I assume it’s because I did not do anything on amazon yet.
Only I’m confused on why this is needed.

if the alexa app sees my my openhab, why do I still need something on aws myself?

Did you tag your items correctly?

Does you question mean I don’t need to do anything on aws myself?

Does your question mean you forgot to tag your items?

No I did not forget to tag my items.
In the documentation I see links to set up my own AWS amazon
yet that documentation is very unclear about what is needed and what not. yet when I can connect alexa to openhab without any question for aws. so I want to know if it’s needed yes or no.
seems like a fair question to me.

I don’t think it makes any sense to start debugging my tags if I miss a basic connection.

(It might be a good idea if the app shows a fake device just for setup testing, one that can be disabled in the configs, yet that exists out of the box, so that newbies know the connection is ok)

No, you don’t need your own AWS.
You need to make sure that Alexa skill is a registered application in your cloud connector account.

your cloud connector account.
you have lost me
What cloud connector account?
And where do I do that?

No worries, we will come to a solution.
I thought from one of your above posts you have set up ?
That is your cloud service. As soon as you install the Alexa skill in your Alexa account, it will ask for access rights to that cloud service.
If you did not come to that point, read the first few posts in this thread and follow the instructions. Actually that is all you need.

that is what I said that I did connect my alexa with

When you say your cloud connector it could be google, amazon, openhab and a few private clouds…
In this case I was doubting between and myopenhab.

This helped. Now I know I need to debugging my tags.

My problem was I had

Switch anel30_F1_Office_Main_Light “Office” ( gGF_Bureau, gHUT_130,gL){anel=“anel30:F1”} [ “Lighting” ]

and when I change it to
Switch anel30_F1_Office_Main_Light “Office” ( gGF_Bureau, gHUT_130,gL)[ “Lighting” ]{anel=“anel30:F1”}

it works.

The first one actually stopped reading the rest of my config file.

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I have another problem when I work with lights that are controlled by MQTT

I have as item

String NP120_6_Kitch_Light “Kitchen” (gFF_Kitchen ) [ “Lighting” ] {mqtt=">[mosquitto:166ARD/OpenColor/animation:command:*:default]"}

In sitemaps I have

Switch item=NP120_6_Kitch_Light mappings=[2=ON, 3=OFF]

as the item itself is a string, it’s not recognized by your alexa skill.

Is there a workaround ? Or do you need to update this?


Alexa would need to have a switch as an item, not a string.
You could create a virtual switch (ON/OFF), which you map with Alexa. Using a rule, you update the string-item when the switch item is updated.

See below for an example. Using a switch (KNX_GV_Keuken_Sonos_10_1_0 - ON/OFF) I can control my Sonos (Sonos_GV_Keuken PLAY/PAUSE).

rule "Play/Pause Sonos Keuken"

    Item  KNX_GV_Keuken_Sonos_10_1_0 changed from OFF to ON
    if (Sonos_GV_Keuken_State.state != "PLAYING") {
        sendCommand(Sonos_GV_Keuken, PLAY)
    } else {
	    /* Do Nothing */

Good luck!

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mm I had hoped to avoid virtual switches for this.
Thanks worked.

I did use received command ON instead of changed from OFF to ON
that way when the swicth is off and I use another button change the color (and thus turning it on without resetting the switch)
I can still turn it off.`

I have an simular problem with alexa , it doent see any devices (Hue bridge works). my steps:

  1. Uninstall Hue Bridge
  2. Install cloud connector
    3, UUID Secret
  3. Online check its online
  4. Activate Home Skill
  5. Check if Alexa is under Authorisation Application, yes it is
  6. Check Items Example:
    Switch hue_aussen "Ausenbeleuchtung" (gLivingRoomExtra) [ "Lighting" ] { channel="hue:0010:00178819c2a4:6:switch" }
  7. Discover Items over Alexa App -> No Device :rage:

Edit: Server with ubuntu and other services. Is any port requier or anything
Solved: Deinstall all and reinstall with one testitem. Now the item was found by alexa

Hi everybody,

I am under the impression that after installing the hue binding Alexa does not discover any devices any more (except for hue lights). In the beginning I have setup openHAB and was able to discover all things. Shortly after installing hue binding, I couldn´t discover any devices. So I decided to start with a brand new setup. Same thing. As soon as the hue binding/bridge is installed, no detection of items any more.
Deinstallation of the hue binding didn´t work, no items discoverable any more.
The items which have been discovered before the hue binding installation remain visible to Alexa and are working properly.

Can anybody confirm that?

No. I’m using the Alexa skill and the Hue binding in a current snapshot release without any problems. But I remember reading something about this problem a couple of weeks ago (can’t find it).
Are you on a snapshot or older (stable) build?

I am using openHABian, so I think this is the stable version.

That could be the problem … try to search the forum for that post :grin:

Actually it is in this thread, starting about here: