Official Alexa Smart Home Skill for openHAB 2

myopenhab was having some issues this morning, I’m still looking at why. Is it working better now?

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So If I want to control my garage door I would just add?

and [ “Lighting” ]

Switch GarageDoorSwitch1         "Left Garage Door"         (Garages, gMyOpenHAB)           { myq="1" } 
Switch GarageDoorSwitch1         "Left Garage Door"    <light>      (Garages, gMyOpenHAB)           { myq="1" } [ "Lighting" ] 

Will try when back home. Thanks for information!

What is the reason/benefit of going through a cloud service? The overall value propostion looks very similar to the Hue emulation, which doesn’t need that…

At the moment no benefit. Currently less commands are supported via cloud than via hue emulation.

Just an example which is not working(Hopefully i did nothing wrong):
Number Wohnzimmer_Thermostats
[ “TargetTemperature” ]
{ channel=“homematic:HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU:1ddd6d8d:MEQ1841880:2#SET_TEMPERATURE”}

I’d like to do this too but as stated above:

I might have a play with grouping it as a thermostat later to see if I can make a workaround

Yes. It really is that simple.

I’m wondering about the benefits of the skill vs Hue Emulation. If everything currently works as desired, is there a noticable performance enhancement or features planned that won’t be available unless you switch?


A massive caveat is that I’ve done this at work so have no idea what happens when I ask Alexa but…

This was my group of temperatures before:

/* Groups */
Group Temperature_Sensors

/* Temperature Sensors */
Number Fish_Tank_Temp "Fish Tank Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (Temperature_Sensors) {mqtt="<[oh2:hab/livingroom/temperature/0:state:default]"}
Number Living_Room_Temp "Living Room Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (Temperature_Sensors) [ "CurrentTemperature" ] {mqtt="<[oh2:hab/livingroom/temperature/1:state:default]"}
Number Bathroom_Temp1 "Bathroom Temperature [%.1f °C]"  <temperature> (Temperature_Sensors) {mqtt="<[oh2:hab/bathroom/temperature:state:default]"}
Number Bathroom_Humid "Bathroom Humidity [%.1f %%]" <water> (Humidity_Sensors) {mqtt="<[oh2:hab/bathroom/humidity:state:default]"}

And this is what they look like now:

/* Groups */
Group Temperature_Sensors "Temperature Sensors" ["Thermostat"]

/* Temperature Sensors */
Number Fish_Tank_Temp "Fish Tank Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (Temperature_Sensors)[ "TargetTemperature" ] {mqtt="<[oh2:hab/livingroom/temperature/0:state:default]"}
Number Living_Room_Temp "Living Room Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (Temperature_Sensors) [ "CurrentTemperature" ] {mqtt="<[oh2:hab/livingroom/temperature/1:state:default]"}
Number Bathroom_Temp1 "Bathroom Temperature [%.1f °C]"  <temperature> (Temperature_Sensors) {mqtt="<[oh2:hab/bathroom/temperature:state:default]"}
Number Bathroom_Humid "Bathroom Humidity [%.1f %%]" <water> (Humidity_Sensors) {mqtt="<[oh2:hab/bathroom/humidity:state:default]"}
String DummyCoolingMode "Dummy Cooling Mode" (Temperature_Sensors) [ "homekit:HeatingCoolingMode" ]

I don’t actually have a smart thermostat, just temperatures logged via MQTT. Therefore I created a dummy sting called “DummyCoolingMode” which is updated to be “AUTO” by a very simple rule:

rule "Set Cooling Mode"
        Item Living_Room_Temp received update

Also, as per the HomeKit binding, you need a current and target temperature, so I’ve used the fish tank as my target but it could easily be another dummy item with a value of 1.

The final step was to search for devices through the alexa web page, which turned up my temperature group

If this works the next task is to get multiple temperatures set as “CurrentTemperature”

EDIT: Alexa isn’t having any of it. I think we’re going to have to wait for Amazon to support telling the temperature in Europe

Configuration -> Services -> Openhab Cloud -> Configure -> Items to expose to apps such as IFTTT (Select them)

michael_grossman 1 min
I feel a little dumb, installed the skill, liked it to myopenhab and did a discover but it finds nothing. I think all the syntax is correct, most look like this:

Switch StairLights “Stair Lights” (basement) [ “Lighting” ] {zwave=“7:command=basic,refresh_interval=120”}

anyone see where im messing up?

yea all my stuff is exposed tom openhab cloud

I have my MYQ Garage Door setup as [ “Lighting” ] and “Alexa, turn the garage door ON” or “Alexa, turn the garage door OFF” both work.

Obviously, this isn’t the ideal/natural way to verbally close a Garage Door.

So just for fun, I tried “Alexa, Open the Garage Door” and surprisingly she said “Ok” and it opened!

The weird thing is “Alexa, CLOSE the Garage Door” does not work and she comes back with “Please try again with the device name and setting”

I also tried “Alexa, SHUT the Garage Door”.

Am I missing something here on why Open works but Close doesn’t?

Do you have it like this in items?:
Switch GarageDoorSwitch “Garage Door Open” [ “Lighting” ] {myq=“0”}

Switch GarageDoorSwitch "Garage Door" (Garages) ["Lighting"] { myq="0" }

I have the same problem currently as well. I have tried disabling the skill and readding and still cant not discover tje items and have them exposed in myopenhab.

I hope to try again tonight but all syntax looks correct.

Exposing the items you want to switch to the cloud is not needed (but it does not harm) :sunglasses:

I wonder what’s jacked up then. I can see in that Alexa is registered. Still no luck when I do a discover in Alexa app.

You need to “search for devices” via Alexa. If you did a discovery through PaperUI or HABmin: that won’t work.