Official Alexa Smart Home Skill for openHAB 2

Have you looked at what the Alex’s control binding is doing? I think that’s heading towards registering as a mobile app - perhaps you could join forces?

Our Alex skills app is not at all rated with the control app . They use completely different apis ans have no awareness of each other. I think the control binding is great , and I use it as well , but they are functionally different enough that trying to combine them would be very difficult and I’m not sure would provide all that much benefit. I do understand it’s sometime dificult to exlain why we have more the one Alexa interface , but for now I don’t see that changing .

Ok all good just thought I’d mention on the slim chance it might spark an idea that might not have been thought of.

I bow down to the creators and maintainer of OpenHAB almost on a daily basis with how amazing you guys are.

Hi All, is there a way to command Alexa to ‘open’ instead of turn on something? For instance a gate…

Can’t you just create a group in the Alexa app and set the name as “open gate”?

Like so? Doesnt accept the voixe command

Just create a Routine in the Alexa app with the Routine trigger being ‘Alexa, open the gate’ and the action being to turn on an openHAB item tagged with Switchable.


Switch openGATE "Gate" ["switchable"]  { channel to open gate }

The routine will be something like this (my screen shot is from a post further up the thread):

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Thanks for the explanation! Ill set that up tomorrow and give it a whirl!

Just created a routine, oh my god. How did I not know about this! these are amazing!!! What are people doing with routines?

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Here are some of mine:

Echo, turn on the vacuum cleaner
Echo, where is the vacuum cleaner
Echo, when is the washing machine finished
Echo, close the shutters
Echo, check the windows (tells me which windows have been left open)
Echo, what’s on tomorrow (tells me which recycling bin needs to be left out and which of the kids has sports etc at school)
Echo, what’s on today (same as above but for today)

Most of these link to a single virtual openHAB switch item which in turn sets of a rule to carry out the various actions.

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I was talking about the binding, as it currently requires to store plaintext credentials.

Got it, we are talking about the the Alexa Smart Home skill which is different, credentials for our skill are based on the oauth login flow, so not dependent on the Alexa control binding or its credentials.

Sorry for the confusion, I was just replying to Andrew as of why I just use the home skill and not the binding.

Having two Alexa apps is confusing :slight_smile:

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When in Italian?? :pray::pray::blush:

It’s in review now, I don’t have an update when Amazon will approve, but I will respond back here when i know.


All, Amazon rejected our initial submission. They are requiring additional information in the skills description. I have added the english version for the additional detail, but I need help with the translation into Spanish, French, German and Italian. If this is something you can help with, I would be extremely appreciative! Translations can be done by anyone at . Thanks in advance!

The Amazon Echo Control binding is different then the skill discussed here, a quick search on the forum shows you probably want to post something like

@digitaldan, great to hear it’s getting close. Quick question, will authenticating against once own openHAB Cloud be an option?

Thanks again for all the hard work.

Quick question, will authenticating against once own openHAB Cloud be an option?

Your would need to deploy the skill on your own amazon account, which others here have done.