OH 2.2 ubuntu 16.03.3 LTS installed locations of /conf

Used apt install installation method , all appears to work as expected following docs
Yet the docs refer to items and sitemap conf subfolders being in /opt/
Where they are actually installed in /etc/opt/
am I confused or is this an error

The correct locations are given here: https://docs.openhab.org/installation/linux.html#file-locations

Could you please point us to the location of that /opt/ reference?

on the same page

its /etc
and /etc/opt

“/etc/opt” does not appear anywhere on that page. Can you quote the line/lines you are seeing that reference /etc/opt?

On my Install ( repository) openhab2 has no files in /opt just /etc/opt
And the correct files in /etc/openhab2

I can try a fresh install . To confirm or deny this

This is as it should be.

The path “/etc/opt” does not appear anywhere in the docs that Thomas or I can find. All the paths are pointing to the correct locations for an installed openHAB which is /etc/openhab2.

I will take a fresh look later , thank you guys for your time

newbie error on my part & being ish used to how the old openhab rendered bad items and sitemaps, where as new openhab (2) evaluates before rendering