OH 2 Documentation

Thank you. The family is indeed feeling much better. I do see a light at the end of the tunnel but that light is still at least a week off unfortunately. My plan is to start working on this in the evenings starting this week. But, given I haven’t even started yet I’m not sure how long it will take. I’m hopeful it won’t take long and I’ll be able to mainly lift ESH’s and do minor mods to make it appropriate for OH 2.

BTW, to show how truly behind I am on this, what is the target repo for these docs? openhab/openhab-distro, kaikreuzer/openhab-core, https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons? Or is it all of the above? I can see good arguments for any or all of them.

As already stated above, I think the source of the documentation should be close to the code itself - so it will be distributed.

General documentation on getting started, tutorials, etc. should imho be in openhab-distro, where it is already now. This should also be the central place to define the structure of the documentation and do the assembly of the different parts - it would be best, if Jenkins could directly commit any new version to https://github.com/openhab/openhab.github.io, which is the repo from which our website is served.

@rlkoshak Sorry for pushing a bit, but I think we really need to get started :slight_smile:

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Understood. I have cloned the repos and run jykell to create a base jykell project for the docs and have been trying to setup the maven builds to work like those in ESH. But I haven’t got very far and it is difficult to make much progress without spending large chunks of time in one sitting.

It looks like I’m going to be snowed in this weekend and my plan is to spend a couple of hours on this tonight, Sat. and Sunday.

However, if anyone is able to spend more time on this in the short term than I can I am more than willing to give it up to someone who can be more productive.

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FTR: I took over and a first version of the documentation is online, see details here.

FTR: I close this topic as it is continued here.