OH GUI based configuration - DB connection fail

Hi Volks,

Since the last post I did a lot of things trying to find out where to search for possible cause of this issue.
I used a new db-server to check if the issue could have his cause on the db-server. I played a little bit with the configuration. I played a little bit around and I think I can say that the reason for my issue must have be on the raspberry pi (OH).
Why this conclusion:
When I change the persistence configuration to


instead of


OH finds a driver, like you see in the follwing log.

2022-10-07 19:17:59.465 [INFO ] [persistence.jdbc.internal.JdbcMapper] - JDBC::openConnection: Driver is available::Yank setupDataSource
2022-10-07 19:20:10.527 [WARN ] [persistence.jdbc.internal.JdbcMapper] - JDBC::openConnection: failed to open connection: Failed to initialize pool: Could not connect to address=(host= : Connection timed out (Connection timed out)

But the DB is still not reachable. What I was wondering also is, that if I change the destination IP in the persistence configuration to a unreachable address, the log looks still the same. So I think OH is not sending any paket to the DB.

I found also this post which for me looks like maybe the same issue I have. But I don’t know the difference between JPA persistance and my configuration. I assume that the protocol below is the same…:

I appreciate every hint or idea to enclose my issue.