Oh-map-page initial zoom level

Hi all,

I tried to setup a oh-map-page displaying the current location of my cell phone. In principle it works fine but the page always switches to the highest zoom level (no “+” but only “-” sign).
If reload the page it very shortly seems to display the correct zoom level but immediately switches back to the highest one. I can unzoom by hand (using the +/- buttons). Reloading the page again switches to the highest zoom live. This is the code I used:

component: oh-map-page
  initialCenter: 49.9XXX,8.7XXX
  label: UdoMap
  sidebar: true
  tileLayerProvider: OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
  initialZoom: "13"
  overlayTileLayerProvider: OpenWeatherMap.Clouds
  - component: oh-map-marker
      item: UdoHandy_Ort
      label: Udo Handy
      default: []

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance for your help.


I have the same problem. Did you solve this issue? I think there is no possibility to define a initial zoom level, when you are displaying at least one oh-map-marker.


Same problem here, came across this thread looking for a solution but I’ve tried and can’t find a way to do it. Could this be added as an enhancement? It would be really useful to specify the initial zoom level the map is displayed with. In my case, when first displayed the map looks blank because where I am there are no roads or features visible at the maximum zoom level. If you manually zoom out however then you can see the map is indeed working.

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