'oh-stepper-card' with decimal comma

Is it possible to display the value of an oh-stepper-card with a decimal comma instead of a decimal point?

Currently this yaml code:

- component: oh-grid-col
  config: {}
      - component: oh-stepper-card
          fontSize: 34px
          fontWeight: bold
          item: haard_eetkamer_temperatuurgestuurd_uit
          step: 0.5
          noBorder: false
          outline: false
          stylesheet: |
            .card-header { justify-content: center }
          title: Temperatuurdrempel om haard uit te zetten

Generates this:

But in Dutch, a decimal comma should be used…

I’m a little surprised that this is not properly handled by OH locale settings.

Unfortunately, because of the way that OH handles rounding the stepper value’s decimals, you don’t have any user control over the formatting of that value.

This is certainly the kind of thing that you can file an issue on the UI repository for.

Do you mean an issue, or a feature request?

Either works, but in my personal opinion, the UI should take localization into account and if it doesn’t that is a bug.


I widened the scope a bit, so now it’s more a feature request, I gather…