[SOLVED] OH2.3 with KNX2: No "received command" information from Rollershutters

In OH2.2 with KNX1, openHAB gets information about moving or stopping rollershutters by “received command”.

Rollershutter 	EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts "Terrasse rechts [%.0f %%]"    <rollershutter>  (gEG) { autoupdate="false", knx="1.008:4/1/7, 1.010:4/1/8, 5.001:4/4/33+<5.001:9/3/7" }

When I press DOWN followed by STOP on a KNX-switch, these are the results in OH2.2:
ETS monitor

|#|Zeit|Dienst|Flags |Prio|Quell-Adresse|Quell-Name|Ziel-Adresse|Ziel-Name|Rout|Typ|DPT|Info|
|6783|04.06.2018 14:30:44,572|vom Bus||Low|1.1.39|6324 5f-triton-Taster,UP|4/1/7|R104 Wohnzimmer Terassentür rechts Rolladen auf/ab|6|GroupValueWrite|  1.008 Auf/Ab|$01 | Ab|
|6785|04.06.2018 14:30:48,224|vom Bus||Low|1.1.39|6324 5f-triton-Taster,UP|4/1/8|R104 Wohnzimmer Terassentür rechts Rolladen stop|6|GroupValueWrite|  1.010 Start/Stop|$00 | Stop|

OH2.2 Log

2018-06-04 14:30:42.691 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts' received command DOWN
2018-06-04 14:30:46.343 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts' received command STOP
2018-06-04 14:30:48.404 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts changed from 0 to 10

The “received command DOWN”- and “received command STOP”-events are important for me, as they are used in serveral rules.

After updating to OH2.3 with KNX2 the behavior chances.


Bridge knx:ip:knx-ip-gateway "KNX/IP Gateway" @ "EG Vorzimmer" [ 
] {
    Thing device knx "KNX dummy for openHAB" [
    ] {
		Type rollershutter : EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts 			"EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts"       	[ upDown="4/1/7", stopMove="4/1/8", position="4/4/33+<9/3/7" ]

haus.item (2.3)

Rollershutter 	EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts "Terrasse rechts [%.0f %%]"    <rollershutter>  (gEG) { channel="knx:device:knx-ip-gateway:knx:EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts" }

haus.sitemap (2.2 and 2.3)

Switch item=EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts label="Terrasse rechts [%.0f %%]"

When I press DOWN followed by STOP on a KNX-switch, these are the results in OH2.3:
ETS monitor

|#|Zeit|Dienst|Flags |Prio|Quell-Adresse|Quell-Name|Ziel-Adresse|Ziel-Name|Rout|Typ|DPT|Info|
|6688|04.06.2018 14:25:21,432|vom Bus||Low|1.1.39|6324 5f-triton-Taster,UP|4/1/7|R104 Wohnzimmer Terassentür rechts Rolladen auf/ab|6|GroupValueWrite|  1.008 Auf/Ab|$01 | Ab|
|6690|04.06.2018 14:25:24,161|vom Bus||Low|1.1.39|6324 5f-triton-Taster,UP|4/1/8|R104 Wohnzimmer Terassentür rechts Rolladen stop|6|GroupValueWrite|  1.010 Start/Stop|$00 | Stop|

OH2.3 Log

2018-06-04 14:25:19.600 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts changed from 0 to 100
2018-06-04 14:25:19.659 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts' received command 100
2018-06-04 14:25:24.396 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts changed from 100 to 10

As one can see there is no “received command DOWN” or “received command STOP” anymore. How can I get them back?

Greetings from Vienna, Austria

Try to use the control version of the Things (rollershutter-control)

Ref: Unit-Support, KNX 2, Karaf 4.1.5 Upgrade and more! - #47 by Dim

@Dim: Thanks for your proposal for solution. I tried the following:


Type rollershutter-control : EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts 			"EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts"       	[ upDown="4/1/7", stopMove="4/1/8", position="4/4/33+<9/3/7" ]

But when I press DOWN and the STOP on the KNX-switch I still receive the same entries.

OH2.3 Log

2018-06-04 16:29:30.830 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts changed from 0 to 100
2018-06-04 16:29:30.859 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts' received command 100
2018-06-04 16:29:34.882 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - EG_Wohnzimmer_Rollladen_Terrasse_Rechts changed from 100 to 5

Any other hints?

modify your rules to when Item [...] changed :frowning:

I thought that the -control version of the Things produces a command… it seems that I was wrong.

Thanks, but that’s not possible as I don’t get a “changed” signal when pressing STOP while the rollershutter is not running. Since I am using the short and the long push for triggering some rules, e. g. moving Somfy canvas blinds to their favorite position needs a STOP command.

Here is a rule to move both blinds using a dummy address at KNX:

rule "Move both Somfy canvas blinds"
	Item EG_Terrasse_beide_Markisen_Dummy received command
	switch (receivedCommand) {
		case UP : {
			sendCommand(EG_Terrasse_Markise_Obergarten, UP)
			sendCommand(EG_Terrasse_Markise_Erker, UP)
		case DOWN : {
			sendCommand(EG_Terrasse_Markise_Erker, DOWN)
			sendCommand(EG_Terrasse_Markise_Obergarten, DOWN)
		case STOP : {                                      // short push right
			sendCommand(EG_Terrasse_Markise_Obergarten, STOP)
			sendCommand(EG_Markise_Timer_Exp, ON)	// delay start to FAV-position
		case MOVE : {                                      // short push left
			sendCommand(EG_Terrasse_Markise_Obergarten, STOP)
			sendCommand(EG_Terrasse_Markise_Erker, STOP)

“EG_Terrasse_beide_Markisen_Dummy” is linked to a KNX wall switch.


Type rollershutter : EG_Terrasse_beide_Markisen_Dummy 			"EG_Terrasse_beide_Markisen_Dummy"       	[ upDown="1/2/17", stopMove="1/2/18" ]

So that’s the reason I need the STOP reply even if the blind is not moving (impossible for a dummy).

Don’t know why my first attempt using rollershutter-control didn’t work (maybe the use of position="..." causes problems), using this version of knx.things works like charm.


Type rollershutter-control : EG_Terrasse_beide_Markisen_Dummy 			"EG_Terrasse_beide_Markisen_Dummy"       	[ upDown="1/2/17", stopMove="1/2/18" ]

More information about this KNX2 behaviour can be found in this thread.

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