OH2/ESH DMX binding

Hi Jan,
we are in the process of building up resources to make more binding reviews possible. Please do not withdraw your binding and have at little more patience. The first review will start within the next week.


I have just done a first review of your binding, please have a look.

During the review process we got into a discussion about 0-255 (which is the usual DMX way) or 0-100 (which is more ESH-like). What do you all think about that one?



In the configuration file using the DMX values is a must. On is not specifying openhab/esh value but rather the physical signal on the bus.

The user can always do a sendCommand with the appropriate percentage type.

I agree with Spaceman_Spiff, DMX values is a must.

Maybe there is a smart way to make this configurable to switch between DMX(255) and ESH(100)?
Otherwise, I think one more sentence in the documentation in the Chaser Thing should clarify this as well.

Can anyone fill me in on how to create pixel chases or fades. Can we create groups for say all red. I have 21 rgb fixtures and want to create sequences for them.

Dynamically created fades are currently not possible.
You have to define the fade in your *.items file and attach it to a command (e.g. “ON” Command).
Otherwise you create color items and use the fade scheduler I wrote for jython.

It should be possible to define a chaser thing (in a .things or via PaperUI) and send new configurations via the control channel (same syntax as used for defining the thing). Please report if this is not working as expected.

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Can you provide a small example? This would really help.

I think I got it :slight_smile:

It really works like a charm! You are my hero! Thanks for implementing this! :slight_smile: :+1:

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@Spaceman_Spiff, this was implemented in the first version of the ChaserThing. Maybe we need better documentation.

Yea - somehow I seem to have missed it. :frowning:

Good news: the binding has been merged into ESH today and will be available shortly.


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Thank you so much!

@J-N-K: Would it be possible to change the switch to off once the Chaser has run?
The only other possibility to know when it is done is to keep track of the time myself.

Hi, great work! Where do I find the documentation? The Link in your first post does not work!

Shortly is now! If all goes well, the distro #1038 includes it :slight_smile:


And the official docs for it are now published here: http://docs.openhab.org/addons/bindings/dmx/readme.html

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Thanks for the documentation. I copied the example, changed it to use dmx but it doesn’t work. I’m on 2.1.0 release and copied the jar file into the addons folder. Do i have to configure something else? Any advice where the problem is?
Thanks a lot. It would be great if i get it working.


Bridge dmx:artnet-bridge:mybridge [ address="", universe=1] {
 dimmer rgb    [ dmxid="5/3", fade=1000]
 dimmer single [dmxid="50", fade=1000, turnonvalue="230" ]
 chaser ampel  [dmxid="10,12,13", steps="100:255,0,0:1000|100:255,255,0:500|100:0,0,255:1000|100:0,255,0:500]"] 


Color MyColorItem "My Color Item" { channel="dmx:dimmer:rgb:color" }
Dimmer MyDimmerItem "My Dimmer Item" { channel="dmx:dimmer:single:brightness" }
Switch MyChaserItem "My Chaser Item" { channel="dmx:dimmer:chaser:ampel" }

This is the output of log:tail:

17:14:26.915 [WARN ] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Cannot delegate command '50' for item 'MyDimmerItem' to handler for channel 'dmx:dimmer:single:brightness', because no thing with the UID 'dmx:dimmer:single' could be found.
17:14:26.916 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent    ] - Item 'MyDimmerItem' received command 50
17:14:26.917 [WARN ] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Cannot delegate update '50' for item 'MyDimmerItem' to handler for channel 'dmx:dimmer:single:brightness', because no thing with the UID 'dmx:dimmer:single' could be found.
17:14:26.923 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - MyDimmerItem changed from NULL to 50

@J-N-K: Would it be possible to change the switch to off once the Chaser has run?
The only other possibility to know when it is done is to keep track of the time myself.

This applies to chasers that have a last step with a hold time of -1? Maybe possible, will check.

Exactly. This would be only relevant with hold time “-1”.