OH2 ft. Homekit

Hi everyone
Im working on adding OH2 to homekit, but im running to some issues, hopeing that someone can help me.

I have sucessfully paired OH2 to Homekit, no problem there. My problem is to add the items, and for sure i have done something wrong, but i cant see where it is.

Normally im only useing OH2 in HABpanel, therefor i dont use groupes and so, im just adding the items in the HABpanel

I have added some screenshots, hope it give some sens

I have my IHC.items file (where i would add all IHC related items)
Switch slukaltlys {ihc=">[OFF:1081692:100]"}

My default.items look like this:
Switch slukaltlys “Sluk alt lys” [ “Lighting” ]


Please copy and paste the code in here and use the code fences.

Your item should be:

Switch slukaltlys "Sluk alt lys" <light> [ "Lighting" ] { ihc=">[OFF:1081692:100]" }

in ONE file

The way you have done it there are TWO items with same name. And that won’t work.

Oh, i will remember that…

I have past the code into my default.items file, and deleted the ihc.items file, but still nothing is happening.

i have no problems to pair up with homekit, but i still cant find the “items”??

What do you mean?

If you change an item file, you have to restart openhab to see the items in homekit.
Same on my side …
I hope that this will be solved / changed