OH2 on Pine64 - Move to Online Distro?

I’m running OH2 on a fresh Pine64 (no ZWave module yet). I’m looking to do some testing of the latest ZWave binding for security items from @chris. Forgive me as I’m not strong on my skills with dealing with custom OS built with customer kernels, etc. So I’m looking for info on how to change over from the offline distro to the online distro to ease the process of testing latest builds as they’re updated and provide feedback on the binding.

Any direction is much appreciated. I know not many folks have one, but I figure perhaps there is a slightly easy way to do this by swapping out a directory or config somewhere?

Best way is probably to replace the content of /opt/openhab with an unzipped https://openhab.ci.cloudbees.com/job/openHAB-Distribution/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/distributions/openhab-online/target/openhab-online-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip.

Thanks @Kai! I just recently decided to try and decipher this on my own, so I went the old fashioned way. Pulled an online distro, offline distro, and the /opt/openhab directory on the Pine64. Layed em all out in Finder and started doing some diffs on the 3. Found the underlying differences and understood I should be able to just replace the /opt/openhab directory with the latest or desired .zip from the site or cloudbees. There was 1 file I found that I thought might be necessary, so I kept it in there as well (/runtime/karaf/instances/instance.properties) - this one looked like it could be required (in fact I think I might have tried without it and it failed). The bigger issue was getting the permissions changed properly for everything. Unfortunately I’m not as strong with my linux command-fu.

I loves me some bleeding edge though!!! :slight_smile: