OH2 Z-Wave refactoring and testing... and SECURITY

I created via PaperUI. Category Battery and Type Number.

I will try again. There is also a newer build (on july 01)
Most likely my persisted values have not been updaded yet.
Just lost mains power so i got to wait :grin:

I have a Kwikset 910 Z-Wave Contemporary SmartCode Electronic Touchpad which I am trying to get running in OH2 (build 978). I have a Aeon Labs Aeotec Z-Wave Z-Stick, Gen5 USB stick.

Installed the test binding into the addons folder today (
After letting the system run during the night the node has finally updated and recognized the lock as a 914TRL Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt.

Created an item in Paper UI ( zwave_device_15a9b6d2cb3_node20_lock_door) and tried to switch the lock on/off.
The result in the log:

2017-07-06 12:07:08.825 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 20: Command received zwave:device:15a9b6d2cb3:node20:lock_door --> OFF
2017-07-06 12:07:08.825 [WARN ] [nal.converter.ZWaveDoorLockConverter] - NODE 20: Command class COMMAND_CLASS_DOOR_LOCK not found
2017-07-06 12:07:08.825 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 20: No messages returned from converter
2017-07-06 12:07:11.813 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 20: Command received zwave:device:15a9b6d2cb3:node20:lock_door --> ON
2017-07-06 12:07:11.814 [WARN ] [nal.converter.ZWaveDoorLockConverter] - NODE 20: Command class COMMAND_CLASS_DOOR_LOCK not found
2017-07-06 12:07:11.814 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 20: No messages returned from converter

Any advice?

Please give me a day so to update the code.

The latest is from the 4th July I think - I haven’t updated the date at the top of this thread

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It looks like the device is probably not securely included based on the red cross next to the “Using Security” attribute. Secure inclusion must be completed within 15 seconds of the inclusion so if you’re having to wait over night, something is wrong.

I would exclude the device and re-include it. I’m also assuming you are including the lock through HABmin and not using the button on the ZStick.

Actually I used the button on the Z stick. Just for clarification: I will exclude the device using the Z stick button, then include using Habmin?

Then this will definately not work. For secure inclusion, you must use the binding - preferably HABmin as you will get more information. This is due to the requirement that the secure inclusion happens within around 15 seconds or so of the main inclusion - only the binding can control this.


confirmed. Battery levels are being reported correctly (with [%d %%] in item label)
Running OH 2.2.0 Snapshot #980 with Z-Wave refactored binding
Thanx @chris !

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Did as recommended, seems to be included securely now:

Tested again, lock doesn’t respond (i. e. doesn’t lock/unlock). Battery status is incorrectly shown as 0%.
I don’t want to dump the whole log here - please let me know if there is anything specific to look for and what you would need to analyze this.

Please raise a ticket on my website (you need to register) and post the log there.

Sure, no problem. I am registered, but where would I find the link for the ticket?

OK, battery finally showed up, one issue less.

At the top in the menu -:

Do I need more access rights to see it? I am logged in

No - you just need to be logged in. Are you sure you are logged in? If I look at the list of people currently logged in, you are not one of them :confused:. It shows you last logged in 90 minutes back so maybe you’ve been logged out?

 if I click Login, it shows me a button Log out.
I then logged out and logged in again.
I get a page with my name, username and the following information:
Registered Date
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Last Visited Date
Thursday, 06 July 2017

Basic Settings
Time Zone
Frontend Language

Would be nice if we could solve the riddle for next time as the lock is working now.
Not sure if this was the result of deleting the linked items and creating new ones.
So sorry about the unnecessary exchange

No problem - I’m glad it’s up and running :slight_smile:

Please try with the latest version - delete the XML before restarting though.

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Chris, that works perfectly! I can see all my codes that are currently registered in the XML. If I want to add more codes/change codes, I can just edit this XML file? I can also verify that battery % issue has been fixed.