OH2 ZWave 'Rollershutter' (blinds) channel

Thanks - that’s what I thought. I’ll add code to ignore these values…

Hi Chris,

Have you made any code change for this yet?

There is no hurry, as the “binding start issue” makes updating a bit of a pain until it is resolved.


I made the change, but it’s linked in with some more extensive changes to the multi-level switch class, so I don’t want to merge it until I can test it in my production system, and at the moment, I’m not able to start the bindings at the moment :frowning:

Thanks for the update Chris and I totally understand. Hopefully he problem will be resolved soon.

Since I can now test again in my online system, I’ve created this PR -:

Other than hopefully fixing the issue with the STOP notification, it also adds some extra commands to query devices. It might be interesting to delete your XML file for the device in question, then restart the binding and send me a complete debug log if you can.

Hi Chris,

No problem, will do after I work through the update/restart issue.

Any idea when this will appear in the openHAB 2 snapshot?


I should merge it today - I’m just waiting for the tests to run. So it will be in tomorrows build…

So I should probably download #399 before then, so that I can keep the issues separate. Will do that at the end of Formula 1 Q2 :wink:

Hi Chris.
I’m testing out OH2 and I have a couple of Fibaro FGR221 Roller Shutter Controller that controls blinds at home. The database doesn’t seem to be updated with the new blinds_control channel for this specific device. Could you or somebody else please update the database so that they can work as they did in 1.x?

Thanks in advance.

The STOP command now works OK. I will delete the XML file, restart the binding and send you a debug log tomorrow.

Have been focused on rebuilding my system today following install of build #404 and deletion of my mapDB file. I have managed to clean up all the redundant links that I had from earlier testing, so at least that’s a positive!

Hi @MattiasLyren
Have you been able to solve your issue with the fibaro rollershutter?
I am struggling with it as well, because the "dimmer " mode does not work somehow (no response from the fibaro).
Thanks in advance.

Hi @chris

I have the same issue with my rollershutter fibaro like @MattiasLyren.
Is the DB not update for the Fibaro rollershutter?

There are many devices available - I don’t know what yours is, so I can’t say if it’s in the database. Please provide your device information - model, and the type/id/version defined by the device.

wow, you’re fast :wink:

I am using the Fibaro FGRM222 which is defined by:

Thanks - I also need to know the type/id/version. If the device isn’t discovered then it should print this information either in the device name in the inbox, or in the log, or it will be in the XML. If you can provide the XML for this node that would be easiest…

Sorry, yes of course…

  <lastSent>2016-09-23 17:20:20.87 UTC</lastSent>
  <lastReceived>2016-09-23 17:20:20.238 UTC</lastReceived>

Thanks - I’ll take a look tonight.

It looks like your device is already in the database. Are you sure you’re using the latest version of the binding?

Thanks for the quick check.
I have installed OH2 using openhabian last week and did an update / upgrade after the installation.
Has it possibly been updated in this time frame?

It was added 2 weeks ago - what version are you actually running?