OH3 Adjust widget to display size


I have created a light widget, two of which are positioned in a row along with 2 others. Openhab gives 50% of the space to each couple. Unfortunately 2 widgets overlap on a tablet. Can the position of the widget be influenced or is there even a possibility to convert the tablet output from oh3 (10 inches). Can somebody give me advise?

I found this in the OH3 documentation:

However, I don’t know exactly how it is used in the widget code.

Who can help me?

Click on one of the widgets in a row and choose “Column options”. Set what percentage you want the widget to take up depending on the size of the screen.

In the above case, this widget will take up the whole row unless the screen is over 1200 pixels wide in which case it only takes up a third of the row.

Thank you very much, you have helped me very well!

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