Hi @Tuny,
thanks for the quick answer. It’s cool to see that stacking is possible at all, but I need to be able to preconfigure stacking for just some of the data-series displayed in the chart.
So what I’m searching for, is a way to set stacking in the chart-yaml.
Maybe it’s helpful to explain why I want this:
I am building a widget to to show the temperature/heating of a room over time as a chart.
The chart contains:
- actual temperature of the room as a line
- set temperature of the radiators in the room as a line (I learned that I have to display this as steps)
- valve-setting for up to three radiators as an area - the valve setting (0% closed / 100% fully open) gives an indication of the energy used
As I have three radiators, I want to “sum up” the valve settings for them, by showing these three items all stacked onto one another.
An alternative would be to use a group-item that sums up the three valve-settings, but this has the disadvantage of hiding the individual valve-settings. The thermostat on each radiator determines the valve setting independeltly from one another, and hence it would be helpful to see these individual value.
Cheers, Bastian